Acts (Titles) of Alabama Relating to Winston County
This is a chronological list of titles of local acts adopted by the state legislature relating to Winston County only. This list goes from 1850 to 1899. It's from the book Inventory of the County Archives of Alabama, No. 67, Winston County, Double Springs, 1941. Most of the following acts begin with "An Act" which has been omitted. Abbrevations include "Ala. Acts," which mean General Acts of Alabama and "Local Ala. Acts," which mean Local Acts of Alabama. Some of the more important acts here are complete.
Act Number |
Description |
26 |
To establish certain election precincts therein named. Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That an additional election precinct be and the same is hereby established at the house of Wyatt Cheatham, on Clear creek, in Walker county. Sec. 29. And be it further enacted, That there shall be established in the county of Walker the following additional election precincts: at the house of Wyatt Cheatham, on Clear creek, where said Cheatham's turnpike road crosses the same; one at Wm. Brown's, on Black Water; one at Matthew Payne's, on the Sipsie, near Cheatham's road; one at Eldredge Mallard's on Byler's road. |
401 |
To establish the name of Andrew Jackson Ingle, of Walker county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the name of Andrew Jackson Ingle, of Walker county, be, and the same is hereby, permanently established by law; any law to the contrary not withstanding |
58 |
To attach a part of the county of Tuskaloosa to the county of Walker, and to create a certain county therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act sections number thirty, thirty-one and thirty-two, in township eighteen, and range eight, west, heretofore a part of the county of Tuskaloosa, shall constitute and form a part of the county of Walker. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all that portion of the county of Walker lying north of a line dividing equally township number twelve, east and west, shall form and be created into a separate county, to be called Hancock. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That John Hill, John W. Blackwell, Oran Davis, John Jones, James Vest, Daniel Speigles and John Cargell be and they are hereby appointed commissioners for the organization of said county. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said commissioners to superintend an election which shall be held at the several election precincts in the county hereby created, on the first Monday in August next, for the purpose of electing a sheriff, a clerk of the circuit court, a clerk of the county court, a tax collector, and four commissioners of revenue and roads, which election shall be conducted as elections for the same officers are conducted in the other counties of this State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the commissioners appointed by the third section of this act, at least twenty days before the election, for county officers herein provided for, to select two sites for the location of the seat of justice of said county, which said sites or places shall not be nearer than six miles to each other, nor more than ten miles from the centre of said county; and shall name or designate each of said places so they may be known separately; and it shall be the duty of said commissioners to open and hold an election, at the same time and places of holding elections for county officers, for the election of one of the places so selected; and the place receiving the greatest number of votes shall be the permanent seat of justice of said county of Hancock. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners’ court of roads and revenue of said county shall have power to levy taxes in said county for county purposes in the same manner that taxes for county purposes are levied in other counties of this state. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all officers, civil and military, in office in said county shall hold their respective offices for the terms for which they were severally elected. Approved February 12, 1850 (Ala. Acts, 1849-50, p. 90). |
59 |
To attach the county of Hancock to the fourth judicial circuit and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the county of Hancock shall be attached to the fourth judicial circuit and the circuit courts of said county shall be holden on the fourth Monday after the fourth Mondays in March and September in each and every year, and continue one week; and said county shall be attached to and constitute a part of the thirtieth chancery district of this state. Approved February 13, 1850 (Ala. Acts, 1849-50, p. 91). |
358 |
For the relief of the judge of the probate court and the sheriff of Hancock County. (Not required to live within 2 miles of seat of justice). Approved January 28, 1852 (Ala. Acts, 1851-52, p. 451). |
351 |
To extend the duties of the sheriff of the county of Hancock, and for other purposes. (Sheriff required to perform duties of tax collector and constable). Approved January 30, 1852 (Ala. Acts, 1851-52, p. 447). |
323 |
To establish justices’ courts in the county of Hancock and to regulate the proceedings therein. (Justices hold court monthly at the muster-ground in each beat at their convenience, term 1 day). Approved February 5, 1852 (Ala. Acts, 1851-52, p. 434). |
3 |
For the apportionment of the State into seven Congressional Districts. (Hancock in Fifth Congressional District). Approved February 10, 1852 (Ala. Acts, 1851-52, p. 8). |
4 |
To apportion Representatives among the several counties in this State, and to divide the State into Senatorial Districts. (Hancock allotted one Representative; Hancock, Lawrence, and Walker in Twenty-sixth Senatorial District). Approved February 10, 1852 (Ala. Acts, 1851-52, p. 8). |
95 |
To repel sections 769, 770, and 771 in their application to the county of Hancock. (Related to jail). Approved December 2, 1853 (Ala. Acts, 1853-54, p. 74). |
120 |
To change the time of holding the Circuit Courts in the Fourth Judicial Circuit of the State of Alabama. (Hancock in said Circuit. Court held on seventh Monday after the third Monday in March and September, may continue 1 week). Approved February 1, 1854 (Ala. Acts, 1853-54, p. 86). |
122 |
To consolidate the Offices of Judge of Probate and Clerk of the Circuit Court of Hancock County. Approved February 2, 1854. (Ala. Acts, 1853-54, p. 87). |
227 |
To authorize the payment of fines and forfeitures in county claims in the County of Hancock. Approved February 17, 1854 (Ala. Acts, 1853-54, p. 142). |
236 |
To provide for a set of Weights and Measures for the county of Hancock. Approved February 17, 1854 (Ala. Acts, 1853-54, p. 147). |
330 |
To compel certain persons heretofore exempted to work public roads in Hancock County. (Male citizens and slaves, except ordained ministers of the gospel, required to work public roads). Approved February 17, 1854 (Ala. Acts, 1853-54, p. 211). |
10 |
To divide the State into seven Congressional Districts. (Hancock in Fifth Congressional District.) Approved February 18, 1854 (Ala. Acts, 1853-54, p. 23). |
82 |
To fix the pay of Judges and Sheriffs in Hancock County. (Said officials allowed such sum as county commissioners may fix, not to exceed $25 per annum to each). Approved December 17, 1855 (Ala Acts, 1855-56, p. 75). |
126 |
To regulate the drawing and paying of Grand and Petit Jurors for the County of Hancock. (Such jurors entitled to $1 a day, while attending court but no mileage). Approved December 17, 1855 (Ala. Acts, 1855-56, p. 99). |
60 |
To apportion Representatives among the several counties of this State and to divide the State into Senatorial Districts. (Hancock in Twenty-sixth District, and allotted one Representative). Approved February 15, 1856 (Ala. Acts, 1855-56, p. 55). |
321 |
To elect the county surveyor and the county treasurer, of Hancock County, by the people. Approved December 2, 1857 (Ala. Acts, 1857-58, p. 326). |
200 |
To repeal an act to consolidate the offices of judge of probate and clerk of the circuit court of Hancock County. (Ala. Acts, 1857-58, p. 238). |
322 |
To change the name of the County of Hancock. (Name changed to Winston). Approved January 22, 1858 (Ala. Acts, 1857-58, p. 327). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the name of the county of Hancock be changed, and that said county shall hereafter be known by the name and style of the county of Winston. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the rights, privileges, and obligations of the present county of Hancock, shall ennure to the said county of Winston, and by that name shall hereafter sue and be sued, and that all laws appertaining to the present county of Hancock shall have full force and effect in the said county of Winston. |
358 |
To locate the county site of Winston County. Approved January 30, 1858 (Ala. Acts, 1857-58, p. 352). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the sheriff of Winston county shall hold an election, at the several precincts in said county, on the first Monday in May next, for the purpose of enabling the people of said county to locate the seat of justice thereof, and the said sheriff shall give ten days’ notice by advertising at each precinct the time and places of such election, and it shall be conducted in all other respects as elections for members of the General Assembly. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That A.J. Judge, John Taylor, John W. Allen, Michael Dodd, Thomas J. Harville, Samuel Wiley, Sr., Deddy Lane, are hereby appointed commissioners to select two places and put in nomination for the seat of justice in said county of Winston, and the place receiving the highest number of votes, shall be the permanent seat of justice for said county. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said commissioners shall purchase, or receive by donation, forty acres of land at such place declared the seat of justice, and proceed forthwith to lay off said land in such form as they may think proper, and sell the same in lots as laid out, reserving a sufficiency for public buildings, and on such terms as they may think the most advantageous to said county. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That said commissioners, first after paying the purchase money for said lands, shall pay the balance of the proceeds of the sale of the lots, into the county treasury, which shall only be used to pay for the building of the court house and jail in said county, and the said commissioner shall execute to the purchasers of said lots, such title as may be vested in them, and superintend the building of the court house and jail, when they may have a sufficient amount of funds in the treasury to commence on, and are hereby required to do, and perform, what they may think necessary and proper to carry this act into effect. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That within three months after said election, it shall be the duty of the circuit court clerk, judge of probate, and sheriff of said county, to remove all books, papers, and records, belonging to their respective offices, to such new county site, and all writs, and other processes up to that time, may be returnable to the present county site, shall be deemed, and are hereby made returnable to the county site elected as aforesaid, and all courts of said county shall be held at the new county site. SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That the said commissioners shall take an oath to faithfully discharge their duties as commissioners aforesaid, and may receive one dollar and fifty cents for each day they may be necessarily employed in carrying out the provisions of this act: Provided, A majority shall have power to act: Provided, further, The commissioners’ court may make such allowance, as they think proper, to the sheriff for his services in carrying out this act. SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That if the sheriff refuse, or fail, to comply with the requirements of this act, he shall be subject to all the penalties under the law for refusing, or neglecting, to perform similar duties. |
232 |
To regulate the pay of commissioners for the county of Winston. (Commissioners receive $1 a day and 5 cents per mile traveling to and from their respective courts). Approved February 4, 1858 (Ala. Acts, 1857-58, p. 260). |
462 |
Providing for the voters of Winston County, in the State of Alabama, to vote for taxing the citizens of said County to build a new Court House. Approved January 23, 1860 (Ala. Acts, 1859-60, p. 595). SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly, convened, That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county of Winston, in the State of Alabama, to open and hold an election in said county on the first Monday in August, 1860, [August 6, 1860], to hold an election in every beat in said county, after having given thirty days notice thereof by posting at least three notices in every beat, stating the time and place of holding such an election, for the purpose of ascertaining by a vote of said county, whether the voters of said county are willing to be taxed to build a new court-house in said county. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That if a majority of all the votes cast at said election provided for, by the 1st section of this act, shall be in favor of building such new court house, then it shall be the duty of the court of county commissioners at their next regular meeting after such election, to draft a plan for a court house, and also make an estimate of the probably cost of the same. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That after the draft of the plan of said court house, and the estimated cost shall have been made, the said court of county commissioners shall proceed to let the building of the said court house to the lowest bidder, after having given thirty days notice of the same at the court house, in said county, and the person or persons who propose to build said court house for the least amount of money, shall be entitled to said contract: Provided, he or they enter into bond and security in double the amount of the cost of building said court house, to be approved by the said court of county commissioners. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said court of county commissioners to levy a tax upon the citizens of said county of Winston, to pay for the building of said court house : Provided, That said court shall not levy an amount more than one-third of the cost of said court house in one year. |
127 |
To lay off and divide the State of Alabama into eleven Judicial Circuits. (Winston in Third Circuit. Court held on eighth Monday after first Mondays in March and September, and might continue 1 week). Approved January 25, 1860 (Ala. Acts, 1859-60, p. 103). |
465 |
To amend "An Act" entitled "An Act to locate the County Site of Winston County," approved January 30, 1858. Approved January 25, 1860 (Ala. Acts, 1859-60, p. 597). SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the second section of an act entitled "An Act to locate the county Site of Winston County," approved January 30th, 1858, be, and the same is hereby repealed. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners of the court of roads and revenue of Winston county, are hereby invested with all the powers and clothed with all the duties required by said act to be exercised by the comissioners named in the second section thereof, which is repealed by this act, and all authority of purchasing land, receiving donations, selling lots, erecting public buildings, making titles and all other privileges mentioned therein are hereby transferred to the commissioners of the court of roads and revenue of Winston county. |
27 |
To amend section 43 of the Code, regulating mileage. (Members of General Assembly allowed $4 a day for attendance fee, and $4 for ever 20 miles traveled to and from seats of government to seat of justice of their counties. Winston 188 miles). Approved February 21, 1860 (Ala. Acts, 1859-60, p. 22). |
463 |
To legalize the late election of Clerk of the Circuit Court of Winston County. Approved February 21, 1860 (Ala. Acts, 1859-60, p. 596). |
131 |
Repealing Section 496 of the Code, so far as the same relates to Winston County. (Compensation of tax collector). Approved February 23, 1860 (Ala. Acts, 1859-60, p. 110). |
464 |
To divide the Counties of Winston and Shelby into County Commissioners Districts. (Winston divided into four such districts). Approved February 23, 1860 (Ala. Acts, 1859-60, p. 596). |
45 |
To provide for an efficient Military organization of the State of Alabama. (Volunteer corps of Alabama not to exceed 8,000 men. Winston is to furnish 44 men). Approved February 24, 1860 (Ala. Acts, 1859-60, p. 36). |
101 |
To reinstate Sec. 496 of the Code of Alabama, so far as the same relates to Winston County. (Tax collector allowed $6 for 100 miles traveled to seat of government). Approved February 5, 1861 (Ala. Acts, 1861, Called Session, p. 83). |
248 |
To divide the County of Winston into four Commissioners’ Districts. Approved November 9, 1861 (Ala. Acts, 1861, Second Called Session, p. 230). |
280 |
For the relief of Willis Farriss, sheriff of Winston county. Approved November 27, 1861 (Ala. Acts, 1861, Second Called Session, p. 248). SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby required, to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer in favor of Willis Farriss, sheriff of Winston county, for the sum now allowed by law for like services, for conveying one Frederick F. Price to the penitentiary, and who the warden or lessee refused to take charge of, in consequence of some apparent informality in the certificate of the clerk of the circuit court of Winston county, directing the warden to take charge of said convict. |
144 |
To change the time of holding the Circuit Court in Marion, Walker, and Winston Counties, and for other purposes. (Court held in Winston on ninth Monday after first Monday in March and September, might continue 1 week). Approved November 18, 1862 (Ala. Acts, 1862, Called Session, p. 159). |
305 |
To empower the Commissioners Court of Winston County to issue county bonds and to levy a special tax. (To rebuild jail and build court house [that was burned August 23, 1864]). Approved December 11, 1865 (Ala. Acts, 1865-66, p. 479). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened, That the commissioners court of Winston county shall be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to issue the bonds of said Winston county to an amount not exceeding four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as the court of county commissioners may deem necessary, redeemable or payable at the pleasure of the said court, at any time within ten years from the date thereof, and bearing legal interest, for the purpose of rebuilding the jail, and for building a court house in said county of Winston, and for no other purpose. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted That the commissioners court of the county of Winston shall be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to levy and have collected an annual special tax, not exceeding one hundred per cent on the amount of the State tax, to be applied by the said commissioners’ court, to the payment of the annual interest accruing on said bonds, and to the purchase and cancellation of the same. |
358 |
To regulate the election of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue in the County of Winston. Approved January 26, 1866 (Ala. Acts, 1865-66, p. 517). |
308 |
To regulate the Fees of all County and District officers in the counties of Walker and Winston. Approved February 20, 1866 (Ala. Acts, 1865-66, p. 482). |
330 |
To furnish certain volumes of the Supreme Court reports for … Winston Counties. Approved February 20, 1865 (Ala. Acts, 1865-66, p. 498). |
8 |
Allowing additional compensation to jurors in the county of Winston. ($1.50 a day and 5 cents a mile). Approved Novemember 24, 1866 (Ala. Acts, 1866-67, p. 20). |
238 |
To increase the fees of County Commissioners in the county of Winston, and to compel their attendance to said court. Approved January 28, 1867 (Ala. Acts, 1866-67, p. 242). |
253 |
To regulate the summoning Grand and Petit Jurors in the county of Winston. (Sheriff authorized to summon bystanders to supply the deficiency upon order of presiding judge of circuit and probate courts). Approved January 28, 1867 (Ala. Acts, 1866-67, p. 253). |
452 |
To appropriate the fines and forfeitures collected from road defaulters, to the use of roads and bridges, in the counties of …Winston. Approved February 16, 1867 (Ala. Acts, 1866-67, p. 509). |
492 |
To amend an act entitled "An Act to empower the Commissioners Court of Winston County to issue county Bonds, and levy a special tax," approved December 11, 1865. Approved February 18, 1867 (Ala. Acts, 1866-67, p. 552). |
551 |
To lay off and divide the State of Alabama into twelve judicial circuits, and to fix the time of holding the courts therein. (Winston and five other counties composed the Fourth Circuit. Court held in Winston on second Monday after fourth Monday in March and September, may continue 1 week). Approved February 19, 1867 (Ala. Acts, 1866-67, p. 604. |
572 |
To divide the State into six Congressional Districts. (Winston and ten other counties composed the Sixth Congressional District). Approved February 19, 1867 (Ala. Acts, 1866-67, p. 623). |
576 |
To divide the State into Senatorial Districts, and provide for the election of Senators to the General Assembly. (Winston with two other counties composed the Twenty-seventh District). Approved February 19, 1867 (Ala. Acts, 1866-67, p. 626. |
622 |
To fix and establish the ratio and apportion representatives among the several counties of this State. (Winston County entitled to one Representative). Approved February 19, 1867 (Ala. Acts, 1866-67, p. 665). |
? |
For the relief of Peyton Baugn, probate judge of Winston county. (Judge relieved of responsibility for over $50 worth of revenue stamps burned on night of February 23, 1868 in court house). Approved August 5, 1868 (Ala. Acts, 1868, p. 73). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That Peyton Baughn, probate judge of Winston county, shall be and is hereby relieved from the responsibility over ($50) fifty dollars worth of revenue stamps burned, on the night of the 23rd day of February, A.D., 1868, in the court house of Winston County. |
7 |
To amend sections 4, 5, 14, and 15 of an act entitled "An act in relation to the Chancery Courts in Alabama." Winston in Third District of Northern Chancery Division). Approved October 6, 1868 (Ala. Acts, 1868, Called Session, p. 209). |
30 |
To annex Sanford county to the third judicial circuit and to fix the time for holding circuit court in the counties of …Winston… (Circuit court held in Winston on third Monday after fourth Monday in March and September, might continue 1 week). Approved January 20, 1870 (Ala. Acts, 1869-70, p. 31). |
42 |
To regulate the time of holding the Chancery Court for the fourth district of the Northern Division. (Winston in said district and division. Court held on third Monday in December, may hold 4 days, in addition to term commencing on fourth Monday in May). Approved January 20, 1870 (Ala. Acts, 1869-70, p. 40). |
291 |
To regulate the publication of legal notices in the counties of …Winston…(Post notices at court house door, and three other public places in county). Approved March 5, 1870 (Ala. Acts, 1869-70, p. 337). |
192 |
To authorize the commissioners court of Winston county to levy a special tax to build a court-house and jail. Approved February 1, 1871 (Ala. Acts, 1870-71, p. 225). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the commissioners court of the county of Winston be, and they are hereby authorized and required, to levy a special tax of fifty (50) per cent, on the State tax, each year, for three successive years, for the purpose of building a court-house and jail at Houston, in said county. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That said special tax shall be assessed and collected at the same time that other county taxes are, and, when collected, shall be paid into the county treasury ; and that said money shall not be used for any other purpose, only the building of said court-house and jail. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That the commissioners court of said county shall have the control and management of said building, and shall order the probate judge of said county to draw so much of said money from the county treasury, from time to time, as they shall think necessary to carry on the work, until the same shall have been completed. |
194 |
To legalize the tax sales of real estate made in Winston county. Approved February 15, 1871 (Ala. Acts, 1870-71, p. 227). Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the tax sales of real estate made by J. B. Powell, tax collector of Winston county, on the fourth: and fifth days of April, eighteen hundred and seventy (1870), shall be legal and valid to all intents and purposes, as if said sales had been made on the first Monday in March of said year ; Provided, That the owners of said lands, sold as aforesaid, shall have two years from and after the passage of this act, within which time to redeem said lands according to law. |
40 |
To fix the time of holding the circuit court in the third judicial circuit of Alabama. (In Winston on second Monday after fourth Monday in March and September, might continue 1 week). Approved December 12, 1871 (Ala. Acts, 1871-72, p. 64). |
185 |
To prohibit the sale of vinous or spirituous liquors at or within two miles of the town of Houston in the county of Winston. Approved January 27, 1872 (Ala. Acts, 1871-72, p. 181). |
159 |
To authorize the governor to issue a patent to A.A. Hewlett, for section sixteen (16), township nine (9), range four (4), west, in Winston County, ….Approved February 1, 1872 (Ala. Acts, 1871-72, p. 165). |
74 |
To prescribe the time when the criminal docket shall be taken up in the counties, …Winston. (In Winston, second day of each term of circuit court). Approved February 24, 1872 (Ala. Acts, 1872-72, p. 93). |
272 |
To authorize the commissioners’ court of Winston county to levy a special tax to pay the grand and petit jurors. Approved March 28, 1873 (Ala. Acts, 1872-73, p. 279). |
273 |
To repeal an act entitled an act to amend section forty-three hundred and forty-five (4345) of the Revised Code of Alabama, so far as relates to the county of Winston. (Entitled grand and petit jurors to receive $1.50 a day, and 5 cents for mileage). Approved March 28, 1873 (Ala. Acts, 1872-73, p. 279). |
179 |
To repeal an act prohibiting the sale of spirituous liquors at or within two miles of the town of Houston, in the county of Winston, approved January 27, 1872. Approved April 15, 1873 (Ala. Acts, 1872-73, p. 192). |
156 |
To prohibit the sale of ardent spirits within two miles of Bethel church, in Winston County, …. Approved April 23, 1873 (Ala. Acts, 1872-73, p. 176). |
6 |
To suspend the sale of the 16th sections of lands in certain localities. (Sale of said section in Winston County suspended until after next session of board of education). Approved December 9, 1873 (Ala. Acts, 1873, p. 166). |
78 |
To make it lawful for the sheriffs of Marion and other counties therein named to execute all processes issued by justice of the peace and notaries public, and receive the usual fees for the same. (Winston County included). Approved December 18, 1874 (Ala. Acts, 1874-75, p. 183). |
25 |
To divide the State into eight Congressional Districts. (Winston and nine other counties compose the Sixth District). Approved February 13, 1875 (Ala. Acts, 1874-75, p. 115). |
346 |
To prevent camp hunting in the counties of… Winston. Approved February 23, 1875 (Ala. Acts, 1874-75, p. 509). |
76 |
To authorize the sheriffs of this State to execute all process required by law of constables, except in the counties of Mobile and Madison. Approved February 26, 1875 (Ala. Acts, 1874-75, p. 181). |
127 |
To establish the thirteenth (13) chancery district of the northern chancery division. (Winston County made Thirteenth District in Northern Division). Approved March 6, 1875 (Ala. Acts, 1874-75, p. 223). |
380 |
To reduce the per diem of the county commissioners of Winston county, and to authorize the commissioners court to levy a special tax to pay off the commissioners court and to purchase blank records and stationery for the use of said court. Approved March 15, 1875 (Ala. Acts, 1874-75, p. 546). |
428 |
To limit the ex-officio fees of the judge of probate, clerk of the circuit court, and sheriff of Winston County. Approved March 15, 1875 (Ala. Acts, 1874-75, p. 576). |
493 |
To require all persons holding claims or warrants on the treasury of Winston county to have the same registered. Approved March 15, 1875 (Ala. Acts, 1874-75, p. 618). |
494 |
To require persons who post estray stock in the county of Winston, when the same are not redeemed, to pay one-half of the value in current funds. (Payment to probate judge for a specific public purpose). Approved March 15, 1875 (Ala. Acts, 1874-75, p. 619). |
204 |
To authorize probate judges in the counties of …. Winston … to order elections in certain cases, to prevent the sale or giving, or other disposition of vinous or spirituous liquors within certain limits in certain counties. Approved March 19, 1875 (Ala. Acts, 1874-75, p. 276). |
113 H.B. 161 |
To regulate the times of holding courts in the Northern Chancery Division of Alabama. (Courts held in Winston County, Thirteenth District, on Friday after fourth Monday in April and October, might continue 2 days at each term). Approved February 4, 1876 (Ala. Acts, 1875-76, p. 222). |
203 H.B. 48 |
To amend section 15 of an act to authorize probate judges in the counties of … Winston … to order elections in certain cases, to prevent the sale, or giving, or other disposition of vinous or spirituous liquors within certain limits in such counties, approved March 19, 1875. Approved March 7, 1876 (Ala. Acts, 1875-76, p. 337). |
56 H. 73 |
To form the new county of Cullman out of portions of Blount, Winston, and Morgan, and to provide for the organization of said county. Approved January 24, 1877 (Ala. Acts, 1876-77, p. 69). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a new county be and the same is hereby created and formed, to be called "Cullman," with the following described boundaries, to-wit: Beginning on the range line dividing ranges five (5) and six (6) west, at the northwest corner of section thirty-one (31), township eight (8), range five (5), west; thence south along the said range line to the southwest corner of section, eighteen (18), township twelve (12), range five (5), west; thence east to the western boundary line of Blount county ; thence north to the township line dividing townships eleven (11) and twelve (12); thence east "to the southeast corner of township eleven (11), range three (3), west; thence north two (2) miles to the southeast corner of section twenty-four (24), township eleven (11), range three (3) west; thence east to the middle of the Warrior river; thence northeastwardly along the meanders and middle of said stream to where it crosses the southern line of section twelve (12), township nine (9), range one (1), east; thence east to the line of Marshall county; thence northwestwardly along said boundary line to the northeast corner of section six (6), township (9), range two (2), east; thence west one mile; thence north one mile; thence west to the place of beginning ; Provided, That C. B. Wilhite, G. W. Culvers and S. S. Leeman, being liners of Morgan county, are hereby made citizens of the said county of Morgan. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That Thomas C. Wilhite,: T. W. McMims and Pleasant Williams be and the same are hereby appointed a board of commissioners for the performance of the duties and exercise of the powers hereinafter enjoined and conferred upon them ; a majority of said board may act and may fill all vacancies therein. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That said board of commissioners are hereby empowered and directed to divide said county into election precincts, to the best convenience of the people, and to designate the place of voting therein, as soon as practicable, and to give notice of the boundaries of said precincts and place of voting therein by publication in same newspaper published in said county, for at least twenty days previous to the election hereinafter provided for. That said board shall hold an election on Tuesday, the sixth day of March, A. D. 1877, in said county, by giving at least thirty days notice thereof, by advertisement in some newspaper published in said county, for the selection of a permanent county seat and for the election of county officers; that Cullman and Milner may be voted for as said county seat by the qualified electors therein; those voting for Cullman to put in a ballot upon which the word Cullman shall be written or printed, and those voting for Milner to put in a ballot upon which the word Milner shall be written or printed; that said commissioners are empowered to appoint three (3) inspectors and one (1) returning officer for each election precinct in said county to hold: said election, who shall be governed in their duties by the laws regulating elections in this State; that on the same ballot upon which is written or printed the name of the place voted for as the county seat, shall also be written or printed the names of the persons voted for as county officers and for what office ; that said returning officers shall make their returns to the commissioners at Cullman, Alabama, within forty-eight (48) hours after said election; that the said commissioners, after duly counting the votes, shall make certified returns thereof to the governor of Alabama within five (5) days from the day of election; that within ten (10) days thereafter the governor, secretary of State and auditor shall count the votes; and the governor shall, by proclamation, declare the place that is selected as the county seat by the majority of the votes cast at. said election, and shall issue commissions to those persons who shall have received the highest number of votes as county officers. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That the county officers to be elected at said election, shall be one (1) probate judge, one (1) circuit clerk, one (1) sheriff, one (1) tax assessor, one (1) tax collector, one (1) treasurer, one (1) coroner, and four county commissioners, who shall hold office until the first Monday in August, A. D. 1880, or until their successors are elected and qualified. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That the citizens of said county of Cullman, be and the same are required to assume and pay their pro rata share of the existing indebtedness of the several counties from which said county is formed, which shall be ascertained and paid according to law. SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That said county of Cullman be and is hereby attached to the fifth judicial circuit. |
124 S. 185 |
To regulate the terms of the courts of the third judicial circuit. (In Winston on the first Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September, might continue 1 week). Approved January 20, 1877 (Ala. Acts, 1876-77, p. 142). |
199 S. 119 |
To amend an act to prevent camp hunting in the counties of … Winston, approved February 23, 1875. Approved February 3, 1877 (Ala. Acts, 1876-77, p. 228). |
50 |
To amend sections four, nine, and fourteen of an act entitled "An act in relation to the chancery courts in Alabama." (Winston County in Third Chancery District of Northern Division). Approved March 17, 1878 (Ala. Acts, 1876-77, p. 97). |
91 H.B. 124 |
To be entitled an act to divide the State into three chancery divisions. (Winston with 22 other counties composed the Western Chancery Division). Approved January 29, 1879 (Ala. Acts, 1878-79, p. 90). |
81 H.B. 105 |
To divide the State into eight judicial circuits. (Winston County and nine others form the Eight Judicial Circuit). Approved January 31, 1879 (Ala. Acts, 1878-79, p. 80). |
89 S.B. 291 |
To fix the time of holding the circuit courts of the eighth judicial circuit of Alabama. (Winston on the third Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September, might continue 1 week). Approved February 12, 1879 (Ala. Acts, 1878-79, p. 88). |
97 S.B. 346 |
To regulate the time and places of holding the chancery courts in the western chancery division of Alabama, composed of the counties of … Winston … (Winston and Walker composed the Thirteenth District. Court held at court house in Jasper, Walker County, on the seventh Monday after the fourth Monday in January and July, might continue 3 days). Approved February 12, 1879 (Ala. Acts, 1878-79, p. 98). |
160 S.B. 278 |
To provide for printing and distributing the report of the State geologist, and for color plates, and printing the maps of the counties of … Winston, … which accompany said reports. Approved February 12, 1879 (Ala. Acts, 1878-79, p. 189). |
100 H.B. 199 |
To change the times of holding the circuit courts in the counties of Winston; … (Court held in Winston on the first Monday in March and September, might continue 1 week). Approved February 13, 1879 (Ala. Acts, 1878-79, p. 103). |
182 H.B. 91 |
To regulate the fine and forfeiture fund of certain counties. (Winston County included). Approved February 13, 1879 (Ala. Acts, 1878-79, p. 215). |
254 S.B. 421 |
To amend section one of "An act to form the new county of Cullman out of portions of Blount, Winston, and Morgan, and to provide for the organization of said county," approved January 24, 1877. Approved February 13, 1879 (Ala. Acts, 1878-79, p. 280). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That section one of an act entitled " An act to form the new county of Cullman out of portions of Blount, Winston and Morgan, and to provide for the organization of said county," approved January 24, 1877, be amended so as to read as follows: "Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a new county be and the same is hereby created and formed, to be called 'Cullman,' with the following described boundaries, to-wit: Beginning on the range line dividing ranges five (5) and six (6), west, at the north-west corner of section thirty-one (31), township eight (8), range five (5), west; thence south along said range line to the south-west corner of section eighteen (18), township twelve (12), range five (5), west; thence east to the western boundary line of Blount county; thence north to the township line dividing townships eleven (11) and twelve (12); thence east to the south-east corner of township eleven (11), range three (3), west; thence north three miles to the northeast corner of section twenty-four (24), township eleven (11), range three (3), west; .thence east to the middle of the Warrior river; thence north-easterly along the meanders and middle of said stream to where it crosses the southern line of section twelve (12), township nine (9), range one (1), east; thence east to the line of Marshall county; thence north-eastwardly along said boundary line to the north-east corner of section six (6), township nine (9), range two (2), east; thence west one mile; thence north one mile; thence west to the place of beginning;" Provided, That C. B. Wilhite, G. W. Culvers, and S. S. Leeman, being liners of Morgan and Cullman counties, are hereby made citizens of the county of Cullman. |
344 S.B. 277 |
For the relief of George Hughes and his securities, late tax collector of Winston county. Approved February 13, 1879 (Ala. Acts, 1878-79 p. 483). |
96 H.B. 642 |
To fix the number of Representatives in the lower House, or House of Representatives, in the General Assembly of this State, and to distribute them among the several counties. (Winston allotted one Representative). Approved February 26, 1881 (Ala. Acts, 1880-81, p. 117). |
235 H.B. 422 |
To make an additional appropriation out of the general school fund to the county of Winston. Approved February 28, 1881 (Ala. Acts, 1880-81, p. 298). |
74 H.B. 641 |
To amend "An act to fix the times of holding the circuit courts of the eighth judicial circuit of Alabama." (In Winston on the second Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September, might continue 1 week). Approved March 1, 1881 (Ala. Acts, 1880-81, p. 60). |
149 H.B. 264 |
To authorize the people of Winston County to vote on the question of removing the county seat of said county and to permanently locate the same. Approved December 12, 1882 (Ala. Acts, 1882-83, p. 238). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That in order to permanently locate the seat of justice in the county of Winston, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of said county to open and hold an election in the several election precincts of said county, on the first Monday in May, 1883. The inspectors and other officers holding and returning said election, shall be appointed in the same manner and by the same officers as under the general election law of this State. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, To carry into effect the provisions of this act, the following named commissioners are hereby appointed, to-wit: John M. Wilson, Thomas Wardsworth, William Penn, Francis Reves, William R. Cole, Riley Bonds, John 0. Long, Felix D. McLain, Anderson Ward, Isaiah Hopson, Henry Weaver, Thomas O. Patrage, whose duty it shall be to locate two suitable places to be voted for, one of which shall be Houston, the present seat of justice, and the centre of said county, or the nearest suitable location within two miles thereof, and report to the court of county commissioners of said county at its regular term in February, 1883, or at as early a day thereafter as practicable, what site they have located, or any other information they may deem proper to communicate. A majority of said commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any and all business herein required of them, and may fill any vacancy that may occur in their number from death, resignation or otherwise, but in so doing the persons selected to fill such vacancy shall be chosen from the same precinct in which his predecessor now resides, and such commissioners shall be entitled to receive such compensation as the court of county commissioners may allow them for their services. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That those voting in favor of Houston, shall write, or have printed on their tickets, Houston, and those voting in favor of the centre, shall write, or have printed on their tickets, centre; and the supervisors of election shall count and declare the result of said election at the court house at 12 o'clock M. on Saturday after the election, as provided by the general election law of this State. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That if a majority of the votes cast at said election shall be in favor of Houston, the county site shall remain at Houston, but if a majority of the votes cast at said election shall be in favor of the centre, the county site shall be removed to the place selected by said commissioners, as provided in section two of this act. And the court of county commissioners shall mate all necessary provisions to erect a court house, a jail, and such other public buildings that may be necessary for county purposes; Provided, That the seat of justice shall remain at the town of Houston, the present county site, until said court house and jail are completed, then the records and public property of the county, and the offices of the several county officers, shall be removed from Houston to the new building. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That in the event the seat of justice shall be removed from Houston, its present location, the Commissioners Court of said-county is hereby authorized and empowered to dispose of by sale, either public or private, any lot or other property situated in the town of Houston, the property of said county, on the most advantageous terms, for use and benefit of said county, and to levy and collect an additional tax on the taxable property of said county, for the purpose of purchasing suitable sites for the court house and jail of said county, and the building of the same on such locations; the deeds to which shall be made to said county of Winston; Provided, The tax herein authorized to be levied shall not be less than one-half one per cent, nor more than one per cent, on each hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the county in any one year. The Commissioners Court shall have the right to let out the erection of the said buildings separately, and have the right to refuse any bid for erecting said buildings. SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That any officer failing to do or perform any duty herein required under the provisions of this act, shall forfeit to the said county not less than three hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, to be recovered before any court of competent jurisdiction; Provided, Said officer shall have ten days notice of the commencement of such proceedings against him. SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act, are hereby repealed. |
282 H.B. 205 |
To prohibit the sale, giving away, or otherwise disposing of, spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or intoxicating bitters or beverages of any description whatever, at or within certain localities in this State hereinafter designated: At or within three miles of Godfrey High School, in Winston county; …. Approved February 23, 1883 (Ala. Acts, 1882-83, p. 557). |
317 H.B. 225 |
To prevent camp hunting in the counties of … Winston … Approved February 23, 1883 (Ala. Acts, 1882-83, p. 605). |
318 H.B. 370 |
To provide for the election of the county superintendent of education, and township trustees of public schools, by vote of the people … Winston … Approved February 23, 1883 (Ala. Acts, 1882-83, p. 606). |
33 S. 40 |
To amend an act entitled an act to fix the times of holding the Circuit Courts of the Eighth Judicial Circuit of Alabama. (Winston is in said circuit. Court held on third Monday after fourth Monday in March and September, might continue 1 week). Approved January 23, 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 96). |
38 S.B. 3 |
To regulate the times and places of holding the Chancery Courts in the Western Chancery Division of Alabama composed of the counties of … Winston … (Winston and Walker are in Thirteenth District. Court held at court house of Jasper on Thursday after fifth Monday after fourth Monday in February and August, might continue 3 days). Approved January 27, 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 101). |
181 H.B. 472 |
To incorporate the Godfrey High School (in Winston County). Approved February 4, 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 296). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That Robert G. Isbell, Elijah Blanton, Hugh Isbell, W.R. Atkins and Andrew J. Ingle, and their successors in office, shall be, and are hereby declared and created a body corporate under the constitution and laws of Alabama, by the name and style of the trustees of the Godfrey High School, in the town of Godfrey, Winston county, State of Alabama: and by that name shall e able and capable in law and equity to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, and shall have power to borrow money, receive donations and bequests, purchase and sell, and hold real estate, and other property in perpetuity, and free from taxation; Provided, that the real estate, or other property, so held shall not at any time exceed the value of twenty-thousand dollars. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That said body corporate, or a majority of the members composing the same, shall have power to pass all such rules, regulations and bylaws not inconsistent with the laws and constitution of the State of Alabama as they shall deem advisable for the good government and proper regulation of said school, and shall have power to elect annually, by a majority of its members, a president, secretary and treasurer, and other necessary officers from the members of said board of trustees, and to fill vacancies in said offices, to fix the amount and approve the bond of such treasurer, and to change the number of such trustees at pleasure, and to adopt and use a common seal, and the same to alter at pleasure, and to act without seal under the laws of said State. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That said body corporate or a majority of the members composing the same shall have power to elect annually or otherwise, the teacher or teachers of said school, to regulate the annual or other salary of such teacher or teachers, and to fix the rate of tuition. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That when a vacancy occurs in said board of trustees by death, resignation or otherwise, the same may be filled by a majority of the remaining trustees. |
211 H.B. 394 |
To increase the number of grand and petit jurors in Winston County. (Draw and summon 15 grand and 24 petit jurors for each term of circuit court). Approved February 7, 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 337). |
227 H.B. 26 |
To repeal an act to amend section 4369 of the Code, approved February the 12th 1879, so far as the same applies to the counties of … Winston … Approved February 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 351). |
232 H.B. 194 |
To amend section 2 of an act entitled an act, "to provide for the election of the county superintendent of education and township-trustees of public schools by a vote of the people in the counties of … Winston … approved February 23d, 1883, so far as the same relates to …Winston, counties. Approved February 12, 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 355). |
72 S.424 |
To make certain certificates which have been issued to State’s witnesses, valid claims. (Winston County affected). Approved February 17, 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 135). |
91 H.B. 438 |
To divide the State of Alabama into nine judicial circuits, and to fix the time and places of holding courts therein. (Winston County is in Sixth Circuit and court held on second Monday in February and August, might continue 1 week). Approved February 17, 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 147). |
319 H.B. 182 |
To repeal sections 3286, 3287, and 3288 of the Code of 1876. (Applies to Winston County, relative to crop liens). Approved February 17, 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 563). |
367 H.B. 523 |
To allow justices of the peace and notaries public with jurisdiction of justices of the peace in … Winston, … counties to retain their costs in certain criminal cases, out of fines and forfeitures collected by them. Approved February 17, 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 631). |
390 H.B. 686 |
To incorporate the Mobile and West Alabama Rail Road Company and to further the construction of said railroad. (Governing bodies of Winston County may hire to said company for not more than 5 years, all persons sentenced to hard labor). Approved February 17, 1885 (Ala. Acts, 1884-85, p. 689). |
133 H.B. 174 |
To repeal an act to increase the number of grand and petit jurors in Winston county, and to provide and designate the number of petit jurors drawn in said county. (12 petit jurors drawn and summoned to serve at each term of circuit court). Approved December 10, 1886 (Ala. Acts, 1886-87, p. 184). |
373 H.B. 337 |
For the protection of dogs. (Winston County affected). Approved February 12, 1887 (Ala. Acts, 1886-87, p. 805). |
89 S. 87 |
To divide the State of Alabama into four chancery divisions. (Winston County in Northwestern Chancery Division, Fifteenth District. Fifteenth District composed of the counties of Cullman and Winston. Court held at court house in Cullman, Cullman County on ninth Monday in February and August, might continue 4 days). Approved February 28, 1887 (Ala. Acts, 1886-87, p. 134). |
106 S. 179 |
To more effectually secure competent and well qualified jurors in the several counties of this State, … (Applied to Winston. Board of jury commissioners prepare jury lists, select and draw grand and petit jurors and other duties, qualifications, etc., of board are defined). Approved February 28, 1887 (Ala. Acts, 1886-87, p. 151). |
273 S. 311 |
To prohibit the sale, giving away, or disposing of any spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors, or intoxicating bitters, beverages, or drinks, or fruits preserved in alcohol or alcoholic liquors, … within two miles of Jones Methodist Chapel, beat No. 2, Winston County; or within two miles of Union Grove Baptist Church, beat No. 2, Winston County; … Approved February 28, 1887 (Ala. Acts, 1886-87, p. 665). |
14 H.B. 105 |
To create the Tenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Alabama, and to fix the time for holding court therein, and to provide for the appointment and election of a judge and solicitor for said circuit. (Winston County and two others compose said circuit. Court held in Winston County on second Monday in February and August, each term might continue 1 week). Approved December 12, 1888 (Ala. Acts, 1888-89, p. 17). |
207 H.B. 163 |
To prohibit the sale, giving away, bartering, exchanging, or otherwise disposing of alcoholic, vinous or malt liquors, or intoxicating bitters, beverages, or fruits preserved in alcoholic liquors, … within three miles of the Methodist church at Delma, in Winston county on the north, east and south, and to the Marion County line on the west; or within three miles of Mount Zion church at Vanvoo station, in Winston county... Approved December 12, 1888 (Ala. Acts, 1888-89, p. 258). |
403 H.B. 519 |
To amend section 4 of an act entitled an act to divide the State of Alabama into four chancery divisions, approved February 28, 1887, as to the 14th and 15th districts in the northwestern chancery division. (Fourteenth District composed of Walker and Winston Counties. Winston County Chancery Court held at Jasper, Walker County, on Thursday after eighth Monday after fourth Monday in February and August, might continue 3 days). Approved February 26, 1889 (Ala. Acts, 1888-89, p. 672). |
139 H.B. 913 |
To provide for the payment of the salary of the solicitor of the tenth judicial circuit. (Winston is in said circuit. Solicitor paid $3,000 for fiscal years 1889 and 1890). Approved February 27, 1889 (Ala. Acts, 1888-89, p. 120). |
526 S. 492 |
To regulate the publication of notices of sales of personal property by sheriff in Winston county. Approved February 28, 1889 (Ala. Acts, 1888-89, p. 904). |
565 H.B. 910 |
To incorporate the town of Haleysville, in the county of Winston. Approved February 28, 1889 (Ala. Acts, 1888-89, p. 1014). SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the town of Haleysville in the county of Winston be, and the same is hereby incorporated, and the corporate limits of said town shall extend one-fourth of a mile in every direction from the north-east corner of the masonic hall in said town, which hall and town is situated upon a portion of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter (N. E. 1/4 of S. W. 1/4) of section 31, township 9 of range 10, in said county of Winston. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That within thirty days after the passage of this act, or on the first Monday in April, 1889, and annually thereafter, an election shall be held for the election of a, mayor and four councilmen of said town, who shall serve for the term of one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified, and every qualified elector in the limits of said corporation shall be a legal voter at said election for said mayor and aldermen; Provided, that Chas. L. Haley, W. S. Roden and Wm. Davis shall compose a board of inspectors to hold the first election as required by this act, who shall return the result of said election to the judge of probate of Winston county, Alabama, within ten days from the time of the holding of said election. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That said mayor and councilmen are hereby declared and constituted a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the mayor and councilmen of the town of Haleysville, by which name they and their successors in office shall be capable of sueing and being sued, and defending in all manner of suits, either in law or in equity, and in general to do and perform all acts which are usually incident to bodies corporate; to purchase, hold, use and dispose of, for the benefit of said town real and personal property. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That the mayor and councilmen shall have full power and authority to pass and enforce ordinances deemed necessary and proper to keep the peace and good order in said town; to prevent and remove all nuisances at the expense of the person causing the same, and to prohibit all vice and immorality, and to punish for the same, and all other indecencies and disorderly conduct, affrays and other breaches of the peace, and violations of the criminal laws, within the corporate limits; and generally to pass such laws and ordinances not contrary to the laws of the State of Alabama, as they shall from time to time deem necessary and proper to carry into effect the meaning and intention of this act, and to enforce the same, alter and repeal the same; they may establish a tariff of fees to be paid the officers of the corporation in case of the violation of any ordinance and by-laws of the corporation by defendants on conviction, and may enforce by proper and usual process orders of imprisonment, etc., the collecting of the fines imposed and fees ; and in default thereof, may imprison or by work on the streets, or public works in said town, not exceeding thirty days, for any violation of the laws or ordinances of said town. |
47 H. 141 |
To make the fees of bonded constables in the counties of … Winston … the same as sheriff’s fees … when they perform the same or similar service. Approved December 9, 1890 (Ala. Acts, 1890-91, p. 67). |
144 S. 209 |
To provide for Senatorial Representatives in the General Assembly of Alabama. (Winston and two other counties compose Third District). Approved February 4, 1891 (Ala. Acts, 1890-91, p. 337). |
145 H. 208 |
To fix the number of Representatives in the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the State, and to apportion them among the several counties of the State. (Winston to have one Representative). Approved February 4, 1891 (Ala. Acts, 1890-91, p. 338). |
287 H. 1073 |
To divide the State of Alabama into nine Congressional Districts. (Winston County and seven others compose Seventh Congressional District). Approved February 13, 1891 (Ala. Acts, 1890-91, p. 627). |
415 S. 369 |
To require the county treasurer of Winston County to register all claims against the county, which have not heretofore been registered as required by law. Approved February 18, 1891 (Ala. Acts, 1890-91, p. 1037). |
528 S. 88 |
To prohibit the selling, giving away or otherwise disposing of alcoholic, vinous or malt liquors, or other intoxicating drinks, or beverages, or fruits preserved in alcoholic liquors, ... within Beat Five in Winston county; … Approved February 18, 1891 (Ala. Acts, 1890-91, p. 1240). |
37 H. 167 |
To legalize the assessment of taxes in Winston County, Alabama. (Court house burned night of August 5, 1891, and assessment lists and tax books destroyed). Approved December 10, 1892 (Ala. Acts, 1892-93, p. 70). Whereas, on the night of the 5th of August, 1891, all the assessment lists and tax books of Winston county, Alabama, were destroyed by fire, and Whereas, the tax assessor of said county made a re-assessment of the taxes in every respect, complying with the requirements of the statutes of the state of Alabama, except as to the time when assessment of taxes must, under the statutes, be completed. Therefore SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the re-assessment of the taxes of Winston county, Alabama, made by J.P. Gibson, tax assessor of said county, on account of the burning of the assessment lists and tax books of said county, is hereby legalized and made as binding in law as if it had been made within the time specified by law. |
296 H.B. 411 |
To prohibit the killing of turkey and deer in beat No. 5, of Winston county, Alabama, between the dates of April 15th and September 15th, inclusive. Approved February 15, 1893 (Ala. Acts, 1892-93, p. 685). |
316 S. 564 |
To allow and provide for the re-registration of certain claims against the county of Winston, Alabama. Approved February 18, 1893 (Ala. Acts, 1892-93, p. 708). |
297 H.B. 41 |
For the relief of I.P. Gibson, tax collector of Winston county, Alabama. ($124.50 appropriated as compensation to said tax collector for reassessment of taxes and substitution of tax books for 1891, assessment lists and books were destroyed by fire on night of August 5, 1891). Approved February 20, 1893 (Ala. Acts, 1892-93, p. 686). |
359 H.B. 466 |
To establish a separate school district, to be known as the Melville School District, in Winston County, Alabama. Approved February 21, 1893 (Ala. Acts, 1892-93, p. 811). |
412 H.B. 413 |
To establish a separate school district in Winston County, to be known as Union Grove School District. Approved February 21, 1893 (Ala. Acts, 1892-93, p. 921). |
459 S. 468 |
To prevent hunting on land, without written consent of owner or his agent, in Perry and Winston counties. Approved February 21, 1893 (Ala. Acts, 1892-93, p. 1045). |
55 S. 98 |
To establish a separate school district in Winston county to be known as the "Dismal School District." Approved December 12, 1894 (Ala. Acts, 1894-95, p. 94). |
224 H. 282 |
To establish a separate school district to be known as the Freeman school district in Winston county, Alabama. Approved February 6, 1895 (Ala. Acts, 1894-95, p. 373). |
225 H. 283 |
To establish a separate school district in Winston county to be known as the "Poplar Spring" school district. Approved February 6, 1895 (Ala. Acts, 1894-95, p. 374). Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That a separate school district known as the "Poplar Spring" school district in Winston county, Alabama, be and the same is hereby established, which district shall be com-posed and consist of the following territory within the following named boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at the mouth of Crooked creek, running up the north bank of said creek to the range line between ranges 5 and 6, thence north to the north-east corner of section 12, thence west, to the head of Mill branch, down Mill branch to Rock creek, thence down Rock creek to the beginning point, all in township 11, range 6, west in Winston county, Alabama. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the educational affairs of said district shall be under the control of a board of trustees, consisting of three, who shall be elected as now provided by law, for the election of township trustees, and said board shall have the same authority and power, and governed by the same rules of law, as made and prescribed for township "trustees of public schools in this state. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That said district shall be entitled to its pro rata of the 16th section fund and central fund and all other funds for school purposes. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall go into effect from its approval, but the trustees herein appointed or elected shall not have the right to interfere with any existing contract already made by the township trustees until the close of the scholastic year 1895. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. |
257 H. 577 |
To establish a separate school district to be known as the Anton school district in Winston County, Alabama. Approved February 8, 1895 (Ala. Acts, 1894-95, p. 422). |
348 S. 434 |
To fix the time and define the terms for holding the circuit court in the several counties of the tenth judicial circuit. (Held in Winston County on second Monday in February and August, might continue 1 week). Approved February 18, 1895 (Ala. Acts, 1894-95, p. 625). |
443 H. 1211 |
To fix the time of holding the chancery courts, in the northwestern chancery division, and regulate the proceedings therein. (Winston County in Second District. Court held at Jasper on second Monday in January and September, and might continue 3 days). Approved February 18, 1895 (Ala. Acts, 1894-95, p. 884). |
446 H. 1158 |
To fix the time and to define the terms for holding circuit court in the several counties of the tenth judicial circuit. (Winston County in Tenth Judicial Circuit. Court held on second Monday in February and August, and each term might continue 1 week). Approved February 18, 1895 (Ala. Acts, 1894-95, p. 887). |
544 H. 350 |
To regulate the election of county commissioners in … Winston counties. (One commissioner elected for each four districts of county, those for districts one and three elected for 2 years, and districts two and four for 4 years, at general election in August 1896; thereafter, two elected at general election every 2 years and hold office for 4 years). Approved February 18, 1895 (Ala. Acts, 1894-95, p. 1136). |
43 H. 38 |
To change the time of the holding of the chancery courts in the northwestern chancery division, as to the counties of Blount, Walker, and Winston, Fayette and Tuscaloosa. (Winston in Second District. Court held at Jasper, on first Monday in April and third Monday in October, might continue 1 week). Approved December 3, 1896 (Ala. Acts, 1896-97, p. 46). |
123 S. 25 |
To establish a County School Book Board to select a uniform series of text books for use in the public schools in the county of Winston. Approved December 9, 1896 (Local Ala. Acts, 1896-97, p. 203). |
159 S. 2 |
To establish a separate school district, to be known as Flat Rock District, in Winston and Cullman Counties. Approved December 9, 1896 (Local Ala. Acts, 1896-97, p. 370). |
248 H. 106 |
To establish a county school book board to select a uniform series of text books for use in the public schools in the county of Winston. Approved February 9, 1897 (Local Ala. Acts, 1896-97, p. 656). |
346 H. 147 |
To amend an act entitled "An Act to repeal Sections 3268, 3287, and 3288 of the Code of 1876," approved February 17th 1885. (Said repeal not to affect any right or remedy existing in any person under said sections). Approved February 13, 1897 (Ala. Acts, 1896-97, p. 868). |
393 S. 360 |
To prohibit the running at large of certain animals within one-half mile of the court house at Double Springs, Winston County. Approved February 9, 1899 (Local Ala. Acts, 1898-99, p. 800). |
474 S. 416 |
To amend Section 908 of the Code of 1896, and to fix the time of holding the Circuit Court in the Tenth Circuit of Alabama, composed of the Counties of Winston, Walker, and Jefferson. (Court to be held in Winston on the third Monday in February and August, might continue 1 week). Approved February 15, 1899 (Local Ala. Acts, 1898-99, p. 894). |
514 H. 125 |
To make the fees of constables in the Counties of … Winston … the same as sheriffs fees when they perform the same or similar services, except in criminal cases. Approved February 17, 1899 (Local Ala. Acts, 1898-99, p. 985). |
860 S. 292 |
To declare Sipsey and Mulberry rivers navigable streams within certain limits, and to prohibit the obstruction of the same. (Winston County affected). Approved February 23, 1899 (Local Ala. Acts, 1898-99, p. 1688). |
917 H. 1089 |
To further regulate the mining of coal in Alabama. (Chief mine inspector upon application by mine owner or operator not employing more than 20 men to grant permission for them, or some suitable person, recommended by operator, to act as foreman; no examination to be required of such appointee). Approved February 23, 1899 (Local Ala. Acts, 1898-99, p. 1803). |
Interesting Acts After 1900: | |
111 H. 397 |
To authorize the court of county commissioners of Winston County to issue bonds of said county, for an amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars for the purpose of paying the present indebtedness and bridging the various streams of said county. Approved December 10, 1900 (Local Ala. Acts, 1899-1900, p. 286). |
359 S. 158 |
To provide for the payment by the county of Winston for all fuel used in heating the offices in the court house. Approved February 11, 1901 (Local Ala. Acts, 1900-1901, p. 970). |
587 H. 474 |
To create a separate school district in portions of Cullman and Winston counties. (Mt. Zion in Winston). Approved March 1, 1901 (Local Ala. Acts, 1900-1901, p. 1399). |
914 S. 355 |
To establish a separate school district in Winston County, Alabama, to be known as the Double Springs school district. Approved March 4, 1901 (Local Ala. Acts, 1900-1901, p. 2096). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That there is hereby created in Winston county a separate school district to be known as Double Springs school district, composed of all that territory lying within the following boundaries: Beginning at the southeast corner of section 34, in township 10, range 8; thence north to the northeast corner of section 22, in said township and range; thence west to the northwest corner of section 19, in said township and range; thence south to the southwest corner of said last named section; thence west to Clear Creek; thence down said creek to the township line between townships 10 and 11; thence east to the place of beginning. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, that Z. McVay, J.S. Snoddy and S.H. Wilson be and they are hereby appointed trustees of said school district, to serve until the regular appointment of township trustees in said county in 1903, after which time the superintendent of education of said county and his successors shall regularly appoint a like number of trustees whose term of office, authority, duties and privileges shall be the same as township trustees in said county. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Double Springs school district shall be entitled to its proportionate share of all funds raised or appropriated by the State for public schools in said county; its proportionate share of all funds due to the townships from the territory of which said district is constituted, and all poll tax collected from the residents of said district, all funds to be apportioned at the same time and in the same manner as the apportionment to townships in said county are, or may hereafter be made. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. |
924 S. 407 |
To establish Addison school district in Winston County, Alabama. Approved March 4, 1901 (Local Ala. Acts, 1900-1901, p. 2109). |
1146 H. 633 |
To prohibit the sale, giving away or otherwise disposing of vinous, spirituous or malt liquors, intoxicating bitters within three miles of Addison High School building in Winston County, Alabama. Approved March 5, 1901 (Local Ala. Acts, 1900-1901, p. 2589) |
1183 H. 1037 |
To fix the boundary line between the counties of Walker and Winston, and define the same. Approved March 5, 1901 (Local Ala. Acts, 1900-1901, p. 2680). SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the boundary line between the counties of Walker and Winston be and the same is hereby changed and located as follows : Beginning where Sipsey river crosses the present boundary line between sections 15 and 22 in township 12, range 6 west; thence up said river to where it again crosses the present boundary line near the range line between ranges 6 and 7 west. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That all that part of Winston county lying south of the said Sipsey river and within the boundary described in section 1 of this act shall be and become a part of Walker county; and all that part of Walker county lying north of the said Sipsey river and within the boundary described in section 1 of this act shall be and become a part of Winston county. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That the boundary line between the counties of Walker and Winston shall be and remain the same as now established except as provided for in sections 1 and 2 of this act. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. |
253 H. 709 |
To authorize the town of Haleyville, in Winston County, to establish and operate a dispensery for the purpose of buying and selling spirituous, vinous and malt liquors within its corporate limits, and to provide for the distribution of certain profits arising therefrom, and to further regulate or prohibit the sale of such liquors within said town... Approved March 5, 1907 (Local Ala. Acts, 1906-7, p. 415). |
158 S. 166 |
To allow the Sheriff of Winston County, an additional deputy sheriff to that as now provided by law, and fix his salary, and make it payable out of the general funds of the county in monthly installments, said deputy to be located at Haleyville, Alabama. Approved July 21, 1927 (Local Ala. Acts, 1926-27, p. 39). |
642 H. 1201 |
To withdraw and take away from the Courts of County Commissioners of Winston County, Alabama, all jurisdiction over public roads and bridges and public road and bridge funds in said county; to create and establish a Highway Commission for said county to be composed of the Probate Judge of said county and two other members to be appointed; and to invest said Highway Commission with jurisdiction, authority over public roads and bridges and over public road and bridge funds in and for said county; to provide for the terms of office and compensation of said members; and to define the powers, jurisdiction, duties, authority, and responsibilities of said commission; and to repeal all laws, local and general, in conflict herewith in so far as the same apply to Winston County, Alabama. Approved July 30, 1931 (Local Ala. Acts, 1930-31, p. 298). |