Andrew Jackson Ingle's Claim

Submitted by Robin Sterling

Southern Claims Commission File
Andrew J. Ingle (2178) Denied
Application received 16 Apr 1872

Two mare mules: one 15 hands high, four years old; one 14 hands high six years old, valued 1st class


500 pounds bacon


1 saddle and bridle


Four bushels corn



To the Honorable Commissioners of Claims, (Under the Act of Congress of March 3d, 1871), Washington, D.C.


The petition of Andrew J. Ingle respectfully represents that he is a citizen of the United States and resides at present in Winston County, Alabama. That he has a claim against the United States for property and provisions taken by order of General Wilson during the month of March 1865 and used by the U.S. Army.

That all the items in the above schedule were of full value therein set forth and were taken from the residence of your petitioner for the use of and were used by the United States army and the provision and property were taken by General Wilson’s men so they said and the corn and bacon was carried to or near Jonathan Barton and used by said command and the mules was carried south by same command. All was taken on same day the 24 day of March 1865 on their march south to Selma, Alabama.

That no voucher, receipt other writing was given therefore by the person taking the same as aforesaid or record by or taken by your petitioner.

That your petitioner resided at the time his said claim accrued in Winston County, Alabama.

That A.J. Ingle was the original owner of said claim, and that he has never traded the same or any part thereof and is the present owner of the same.

That your petitioner remained loyal adherent to the cause and the Government of the United States during the war, and was so loyal before and at the time of the taking of the property for which this claim is made.

That said claim has not before been presented to the Department or to Congress.

That Stilson, Bundy & Webster, of Washington, D.C., are hereby authorized and empowered to act as his Attorneys for the prosecution of this claim. Wherefore your petitioner prays for such action of your Honorable Commission in the premises, as may be deemed just and proper. [signed] Andrew J. Ingle. Witnesses: Edwin Guthrie and J.M. Barton.


That, as stated in the Petition referred to, the property in question was taken from Andrew J. Ingle of Larissa, Winston County in the State of Alabama for the use of a portion of the army of the United States, known as General Wilson’s Cavalry and command by General James H. Wilson, and that the person who took or received the property, or who authorized or directed it to be taken or furnished, were the men of General Wilson’s command whose names are unknown.

That the property was removed to the army on the march and used for by them on 24 Mar 1865 as appears by the Petition presented to the Commissioners.

That the Claimant is unable to produce the witnesses hereafter to be named before the Commissions at the City of Washington for and because of the following reasons, to wit: by reason of the smallness of the claim and the poverty of the claimant.

That the following are the names of the witnesses, their respective places of residence, the points most convenient for the taking of their testimony, and separate, full and detailed statements of what each particular witness is expected to prove; all matters of time, place and circumstances being set forth as explicitly as is possible:

By Lydia Tittle of Larissa in the County of Winston and State of Alabama whose testimony should be taken at or near Larissa in the State of Alabama. The Claimant expects to prove that she was an eyewitness and saw the two mules and bacon estimated at 500 pounds and saddle and bridle, and corn taken on Sunday the 24th day of March 1865 by the soldiers under the command of General James H. Wilson while on the march through that place (Larissa) to Selma, Alabama. That said men took said mules and led them up to claimants house and there packed on their backs all the bacon and corn they could carry and when they had left the house she went over to it and found that they had taken nearly all the bacon that claimant had and she should estimate the amount taken at not less than 500 pounds. She also saw the saddle, bridle and corn taken and carried away by same men.

By Nancy E. Dodd of the same place he expect to prove substantially the same facts as by the last witness above stated.

By Jonathan Barton of the same place, an honorably discharged Union soldier, he expect to prove that he well knew claimant throughout the war and know that he was loyal to the Union and Government of the United Sates while he (witness) was away from home with the army that claimant turned out with this mules and wagon and hauled food and supplies to witnesses family, and witness came home or into the neighborhood of his house, when in danger from armed Rebels. That claimant lay out with him and helped to defend him and in many ways at the peril of his life. Claimant aided witness and other Union men.

By William Y. Norris, also of the same place (also an honorably discharged Union soldier) he expects to prove substantially the same facts as by the last witness as above stated. Also that claimant never let a Union soldier suffer for anything during the war when he could supply his wants.

The Claimant now prays that the testimony of the witnesses just designated be taken and recorded, at or near the place named, before such person or persons, and in such manner as the Commissioners by direct, at the reasonable cost of the said Claimant; and that the persons so directed to take and record such testimony be required to give due notice of the time and place of the taking thereof to the Claimant, or to his counsel.

Submitted to the Commissioners of Claims under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1871, on this 24th day of July 1871. [signed] Andrew J. Ingle.


Andrew J. Ingle, Claimant, vs. United States, Defendant. In pursuance of the Commission issued by the Commissioners of Claims at Washington City, D.C., to the undersigned, on the 18th day of November, A.D. 1871, I Robert P. Baker, have called and caused to come before me at Larissa, in the County of Winston, and State of Alabama, on the 20th day of March, A.D., 1872, Andrew J. Ingle, Lydia Tittle, Jonathan Barton, and Rebecca Ingle witnesses in behalf of the claimant in the cause now pending before said Commissioners in the City of Washington, in which Andrew J. Ingle, of Winston County, Alabama, is claimant and the United States is defendant.

The said Andrew J. Ingle, being first duly sworn says, in answer to the Interrogatories propounded to him, that he is fifty-two years of age, and a resident of Winston County, Alabama, and a farmer by occupation.

1) I was at and in my plantation at Larissa, Winston County, Alabama.

2) In the same place with the exception of the time I was laying out to avoid Rebel scouts and Confederate spies.

3) In 1862, I think. I left my place to go to South Florence, Alabama, then occupied by General Thomas’ command, a distance of sixty-five miles from my place, on my road I met a squad of Union cavalry and went into the Federal lines with them and after transacting my business I was furnished with a pass to return home. At another time when Colonel Spencer’s First Alabama (Union) cavalry made his raid through this section, I think it was in November 1863, I left my place, and spent the night in his camp, which was a distance of some eight miles from my place. These are the only occasions that I left the Rebel jurisdiction, or what they designated as their jurisdiction, and entered the Federal lines, or their camps.

4) No, sir.

5) Yes, sir. I took the amnesty oath in August 1865 (I think) administered by F.M. Taylor, Esq. I took it for the purpose of voting and having a citizen’s rights and because I wanted to take it.

6) No, sir. Other than acting as a guard to the Rebel mail that was carried from Tuscaloosa to Courtland which passed my place. I was engaged in this capacity for about three months, and perhaps longer. This was in 1864-5. The circumstances connected with this duty are as follows: Parties engaged in the mail service were exempt from conscripting and military duty in the Rebel service, other than that performed as guards and William? Curtis? with others of my friends, and friends of the United States concluded to take this method, and gather in the young men of this neighborhood, who were liable to be drafted, to act in concert with us, as they were opposed to the rebellion, and thereby avoid the Conscription Act and by this means we were enabled to save all for the time, and at the same time keep up a direct communication with parties lying out, and assist them in entering the Federal lines. No cash was received for such service, and no pay was received. The order upon which this guard was raised was from General Roddy, reported to by Zachariah White who was the Captain.

7) I was elected as one of the County Commissioners in 1863 by the Union men of Winston county and served about one year and a half. This was at a time that they were about breaking up the county of Winston and annexing it to Lawrence, Blount, Walker and Marion counties, and my interest was for nothing more than to retain our organization for which I received pardon by the President. I think it was late in 1865 or 1866.

8) No, sir.

9) I was not, other than stated in question No. 6.

10) No, sir.

11) No, sir.

12) No, sir.

13) I was not.

14) No, sir.

15) No, sir.

16) No, sir.

17) I was arrested on three different occasions. The first was by Colonel Patterson, who belonged to General Roddy’s Rebel command in 1862 and carried me into Marion county near the Mississippi line, before General Roddy, and detained me two days and nights when I was released. I took no oath upon be released, and upon being past the age for military duty. I was allowed to return home. In 1863 in the fall by Adjutant May (also of Roddy’s Command) who released me upon the promise that I would meet him, the second day after, a distance of twelve miles from my place. I met him according to promise, and was detained for two days during which time he threatened to hang me if I did not inform him of the whereabouts of the men who were lying out. I denied persistently of having any knowledge of their whereabouts when I was again released. In 1864 (I think) I was again arrested by the same Adjutant May and carried about four miles distant and detained for one day. He said the cause of my arrest was to keep me from informing of his appearance in the neighborhood. When he was ready to leave I was allowed to return home. At different times, when Rebels camped on my place, I was kept under guard at home to keep me from getting off as they said that they regarded me as a disloyal man to their cause. I was never arrested by United States officers or soldiers and my family was never in any way molested by them, other than in taking provisions.

18) The Rebels took five head of horse and mules, several fine beef cattle, corn, fodder, bacon, potatoes, &c. Captain Watley, of General Roddy’s Command (cavalry) remained on my place for about two weeks, with his entire company, and fed off of me the entire time, leaving nothing on their departure, consuming the entire products of my plantation for the year of 1863. I never received any pay, in part or in full for any of the above described property.

19) I have frequently been threatened, by squads, in passing with being shot, hung and the burning of my property, and with all manner of intimidating threats.

20) Nothing other than presently stated.

21) I did not.

22) Nothing other than to feed soldiers and men layout to avoid the rebels and aid them in reaching the lines of the Union army for which I have also furnished money to aid them in the same. I also furnished a Union solder’s wife with a mule to make his crop while he was in the service. John N. Baughn of the First Alabama (Union) cavalry, and also cultivated land for Clinton Tittle’s wife, First Alabama (Union) cavalry, and Daniel Tucker’s wife, was also a member of the First Alabama (Union) cavalry for which I never charged them nor did I receive pay. All was voluntarily done and while working for them, I was necessarily obliged to picket the woods to save my stock that I was working on account of working for the support of soldier’s wife in the Union Army.

23) I had two brothers in the Federal army: Murray Ingle in the First Alabama (Union) Cavalry, I think assigned to Company L, who died while at Rome, Georgia (while in service in 1864). Robert M. Ingle, was a member of a Mississippi Regiment (Union), don’t know its number, or company to which he belonged. I never contributed anything for my brothers while in service as I did not have an opportunity. I also had one brother-in-law, Clinton Tittle, who was a member of the First Alabama Cavalry (Union), I believe in Company L who died, while in service, in Memphis, in 1864. Also two nephews in the First Alabama Cavalry (Union) Daniel Tucker, who died at Memphis, Tennessee (while in service) I think in the year 1864. Thomas W. Fry, also a member of the First Alabama. It is reported that I had three nephews in the Rebel service from the State of Mississippi and Texas—don’t know such to be the case, and I only give it as reported to me.

24) No, sir.

25) No, sir.

26) I never was.

27) No, sir.

28) No, sir.

29) No, sir.

30) No, sir.

31) No, sir.

32) No, sir.

33) I sympathized with the Union cause all the time. My feelings was with the old Government, and my language as in opposition to the Rebellion. I exerted my influence in behalf of the Union, and cast my vote for Union men and measures. For Representative to State Convention I voted for the Union candidate and have voted for Union men ever afterwards when opportunity afforded itself. After the Ordinance of Secession was adopted I still maintained with the cause of the United States, and regarded the Act as wrong, unjustified and unnecessarily severe in the extreme.

34) I do. I never did. I always as—and did do it.

[signed] A.J. Ingle


Lydia Tittle, (substituted for William Y. Norris), called to prove loyalty, after being duly sworn doth depose and say that she is forty-four years of age and a resident of Winston County, Alabama, and the widow of Clinton Tittle who died in service while in the First Alabama (Union) Cavalry. I have been acquainted with claimant from my earliest recollection, and during the war resided about one half mile distant and met with him frequently during the war, and conversed about the war. He was always bitterly opposed to the Rebellion and done all he could do against it. He looked out, and cared for the families of Union men who had enlisted in the Federal army, jeopardizing his life and property by doing so. He saw that we had corn, meat and salt, and such things we could not get, and as long as he had we had just to let our wants be known when he would be supplied. He promised our husbands that if they would enlist in the Union army that he would stay and see that their families were provided for, and that when it became necessary for him to leave, he would come to them.

Claimant had a large family of helpless female children and made it impossible for him to leave them, if such had not been the case. I am satisfied that he would have went with him. In every promise he made my husband prior to his leaving for the Union lines he faithfully fulfilled, as he also did with other families, and had it not of been for him I do not know what we would or could have done. I have known him to feed Union soldiers and layouts, and was continually assisting them to get into the Union lines, giving money and property to aid them. He was constantly interfered with by the Rebels whenever they were in the neighborhood, and was arrested and carried off on one occasion, his property was all taken, and everything they could do but to kill him was done, and every time they were about I was constantly in dread that some one would come and tell me that they had killed him.

I do not know that he ever aided the Rebellion in a single particular, but am satisfied that he did not, as he had no use in them or for them (affiant is claimant’s sister-in-law) and I am also satisfied that he never owned any Confederate bonds. Claimant had one brother, Murray Ingle, and two brothers-in-law, Clinton Tittle and Jackson Lovett, also nephews in the Union army, and don’t know that he had any relatives in the Rebel army. Claimant was for the Union first, last, and all the time, as firm then as he is now. If the Rebels had been successful in establishing a separate government. I do not think that his life would have been safe a minute among them. [signed x her mark] Lydia Tittle.


Jonathan Barton, called to prove loyalty states, after being duly sworn that he is forty years of age, a resident of Winston County, Alabama, and a farmer by occupation (affiant is a discharged soldier of the First Alabama (Union) cavalry, who enlisted in 1863, and was honorably discharged after an enlistment of one year or per enlistment). I have been acquainted with claimant for thirteen years, and intimately during the war, meeting him on an average about three times a month (excepting the time I was absent in the Union army). Every time we met we conversed in reference to the war, its causes and progress. I always found him strongly opposed to the Rebellion and Secession, and in favor of the Union, and that he always exerted his influence in favor of the Union and Union measures.

Our conversation was public and private, owning to the circumstances by which we were surrounded. I do not know that he ever owned Confederate bonds, or done anything to support the credit of the so-called Confederate Government. If he had, or did do anything I am not aware of it, but I am satisfied that he did not. I know that he fed soldiers and layouts for the Union army, imparting all information that he was possessed of, and assisted layouts toward the Federal lines, and on one occasion when I was at home on recruiting service my pistol was broke and rendered useless that he took it and got I fixed and brought it to me. I also at the same time took sick and was lying out in the woods with my "Yankee-blue" on, and he visited me and administered to my wants as far as he could. He also hauled in my crops for my wife, and done all he could for my family in furnishing, salt, etc., that they could not get. They had only to let him know and if he could in any get it. They would be supplied.

After expiration of my term of service, and on my return home, I found him as strong for the Union as when I left for it, and remained so throughout. In the early part of the war he raised a Union company for home protection, and when things got too strong against him, he advised us to go to the Union army, and he would remain and look out for our families (which he did do) and when he had to leave he would come to us. I was informed from reliable authority that he was arrested on different occasions and carried off, and all loyal people in the neighborhood were frightened and afraid he would be hung or shot. He was continually molested by Rebels passing through who would feed off of him and take his stock from him. If the Rebels had been successful and established a separate government I am satisfied that he would have been of no use to them, and that he would have been obliged to leave their domains. He was universally regarded as a Union man by both parties. [signed] Jonathan Barton


Rebecca Ingle, called to prove property, after being duly sworn doth depose and say that she is forty-two years of age and wife of the claimant. That in March 1865, as General Wilson’s command passed through. This section they took from the stable of claimant two likely mare mules—don’t know their ages, but I think my husband valued them at one hundred and fifty dollars each. Bacon to the amount of about five hundred pounds was taken from the smoke house, which was worth twenty-five cents per pound. My reasons for thinking there was five hundred pounds from the bulk. I never saw it weighed as there was at least calculation forty or fifty hams and shoulders, besides the sides. One saddle and bridle was taken from the saddle house. Four bushels of corn (I think) was taken and my reasons for thinking that there was four bushels was from bulk that they packed on the two mules. The meat was principally packed on the mules, and some on the saddles of the troopers. The squad who took this property I should suppose would number twenty-five or thirty. They were under the charge of an officer. The command was camped about four miles distant, and remained only for one night. The property was taken a short time before night. The mules was led off and all started in the direction of their camps. I never visited any of their camps and never said anything of the property after they had started off. I do not know that claimant objected to the taking of any of the property, but do know that they were about breaking down the stable door to get the mules when he told them not to break the door, as he would unlock it for them, which he did. I did not know that there was any necessity for taking what they did or whether it was for the purpose of putting down the war as if they took all there would be nothing for the Rebels or anybody else to live upon and that there would be no inducement for them to infest the country. In reference to the property I suppose that they had orders to take what they did, as they were under the charge of an officer and that it was for the benefit of the service or they would not have taken it. He never received pay or vouchers for any of the property. [signed] Rebecca Ingle.


Lydia Tittle called to prove property after being duly sworn doth depose and say that she is forty-four years of age and resides in Winston County and superintends working of my plantation. That in March 1865 as the command of General Wilson passed through this section they established camps about four miles distant from claimants property and remained for one night and that prior to night on the day of arrival they visited claimant’s property and took two likely mare mules, don’t know their ages, and don’t know their value. They were very fine mules. They also took bacon, don’t know the number of pounds, but a right smart of it and they took all they had. Corn was also taken. I think from what I saw packed on the mules that there was at the least calculation four bushels and corn was valued at the time two dollars per bushel. I don’t know anything of the saddle and bridle, but they (the family) told me they had taken it. The bacon was packed on the mules and some on the saddles of the horses being ridden by the men. The mules were led off in the direction of their camps. Don’t know that there was any necessity for taking what they did. Don’t know whether what they took was by authority or not. I never visited their camps and never saw the property after it was taken away but I regard it was for the service or they would not have taken what they did. Don’t know that he ever received any pay or voucher for any of the property, but do not think that he ever did. For if he had been paid that he would not ask again for it "as he is not that kind of a man." The property specified I saw taken and carried in the direction of camps. [signed x her mark] Lydia Tittle.


Andrew J. Ingle recalled in reference to property states that as General Wilson’s company visited this section of country, they camped within four miles from my place, and that on the afternoon of their arrival they visited my place and took from stable two likely mare mules whose ages were four and six years old, and valued at one hundred and fifty dollars each. I had the mules locked up and they were in the act of breaking down the door, when I stopped them and took the key and opened the door for them. When they took them out, they also took five hundred pounds of bacon, well seasoned from smoke house, which was worth at the time twenty-five cents per pound. The bacon was not weighed, but from my knowledge of farming and dealing in stock my idea of bulk justifies me in safely saying that there was five hundred pounds. Fully four bushels of corn was also taken, which was worth two dollars per bushel. One bridle and saddle was also taken from the saddle house, which was nearly new, scuffed but little and valued by me at fifteen dollars. The squad who took the above specified articles would number some twenty or twenty-five men, who were in charge of a Lieutenant (don’t know his name or the regiment he belonged to). The corn and bacon was packed on the mules taken, with the exception of some bacon that was strapped on saddles of the horses being ridden by the men. I made no objection to the parties taking my property and nothing was said as to my receiving pay. I received no pay nor did I receive a voucher. I did not go to their camps nor did I make complaint to anyone. All was taken and carried to their camps, the mules being led. I do not know that there was a necessity for taking the property, but suppose there was being such a distance from railroad communications and their traveling the speed that they were going think it would be an impossibility to keep them supplied and that they were necessarily obliged to live off the country as they passed through. The property I regard was taken by authority as there was an officer in command of the party who took from me, and I am satisfied that what they did take was for the benefit of the service. [signed] A.J. Ingle.


State of Alabama, Winston County. I, Robert P. Baker, Commissioner to take testimony in cases pending before "The Commissioner of Claims," now pending before them against the United States, and as Notary Public in and for the County of Morgan and State of Alabama, do certify, that Andrew J. Ingle, of Winston County, Alabama, the claimant in this cause, as a witness, and Lydia Tittle, Jonathan Barton, and Rebecca Ingle of Winston County, Alabama, as witnesses, came before me at Larissa, Winston County, on the 20 day of March, A.D., 1872, the said witnesses to testify in behalf of Andrew J. Ingle, the claimant in this cause; that before said witnesses were examined they were each severally sworn by me to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, relative to said claim; that the answers of each said witnesses were taken down; that after the same were carefully read over to said witnesses, I caused each of them to subscribe their said deposition. And I further certify that said depositions have not been out of my possession since they were so taken, nor have the same been in any way altered or changed. Given under my hand and seal, this 9th day of April, A.D., 1872. [signed] R.P. Baker, Special Commissioner, &c.


District of Columbia, City of Washington: Personally appeared before me a Commissioner of Claims, in and for said city and district, P.D. Roddy, a resident of Tuscaloosa, Alabama who being duly sworn deposes and says that during the late war he was in the military service of the so-called Confederate States of America and held various ranks as an officer in said service and among others that of Brigadier General; that he was stationed in the year 1862 at Tuscumbia, Alabama and was in command of the military forces at that place. That sometime about the autumn of that year, one Andrew J. Ingle of Larissa, Winston County, Alabama was brought under guard as a prisoner to his headquarters at Tuscumbia aforesaid charged with being an enemy to the Confederate States and recruiting for the Federal army. That affiant had the said Ingle brought before him and questioned him closely upon the subject of his sentiments, when Mr. Ingle with great frankness and boldness told affiant that he was an always had been a Union man, but that he had a large family of children dependent upon his labor for support that he had not sufficient means to move his family out of the state and that he was taking no active part on either side of the war but was staying at home upon his farm and trying to support his family. This affiant kept Mr. Ingle in custody several days and repeatedly and closely questioned him but that he maintained the same story throughout, and fully convinced affiant by his straight forward answers that while he was consciously a Union man, that he could be trusted to keep his promise to abstain from active participation upon either side, and he therefore released him upon his promise so to do. No oath to the Confederate cause was required or asked of Mr. Ingle and none was taken by him so far as affiant knows. Affiant further says that he has not seen Mr. Ingle more than once since that event but he has heard of him repeatedly and always heard and understood that he is a prominent and influential man in the sparsely settled neighborhood where he resides and so far as he (affiant) ever knew or heard has always been a consistent and fierce supporter of the Union cause. [signed] P.D. Roddy. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of March, 1876. [signed] O. Ferriss, Commissioner of Claims.


Note dated Washington, 1 Feb 1874: Respectfully referred to the Honorable President of the Southern Claims Commission with the information that I have known A.J. Ingle intimately for many years—before, during and since the war. He was arrested, the first man in Alabama, for disloyalty to the so called Confederacy; he never gave his allegiance or adhesion to the Confederate cause at any time. He gave material aid to Union men and soldiers at all times when it was in his power to do so, and any statement to the contrary is untrue. This I state of my own knowledge. [signed] C.C. Sheats, M.C.


Note to C.C. Sheats, M.C. in Washington, D.C., dated Larissa, Alabama, 21 Jan 1874: Dear Sir, I have just received yours of the 7th inst. and contents noticed. Was proud to hear from you and to hear you was well and had a conversation with Roddy in regard to my loyalty while a prisoner as I told him what I was and would suffer death before I would have denied being a Union man that he will testify also no doubt but there is no one but what has enemies write me soon. I think I will write B. Bundy to have my claim brought up again. Times is very hard in the hill country more so than I ever saw in life. Yours very respectfully, [signed] A.J. Ingle


District of Columbia, City of Washington: Personally appeared before me . . . Charles C. Sheets, a member of the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress who being by me duly sworn deposes and says as follows:

I made the acquaintance of Andrew J. Ingle of Larissa, Winston County, Alabama in 1860 when I was a candidate for the Convention when it was proposed to take that state out of the Union. Mr. Ingle was then an unconditional Union man and voted for the Union candidates. In 1861, after the war began, I was a candidate for the legislature on the Union ticket. At Ingle’s precinct I got 126 votes out of a total vote of 135 and my vote was due mainly to the influence of Mr. Ingle. I was elected to the legislature and was expelled from that body for disloyalty to the Confederacy. In the spring of 1861, the Circuit Court for Winston County where Mr. Ingle lives and where there was a company being raised for the Confederate service, Mr. Ingle called for volunteers to fight for Lincoln and the Government of the United States, and broke up the effort to raise a company for the Confederacy.

In 1862 I was at Mr. Ingle’s house and stayed a day and a night with him. We talked over fully the war and the probabilities of its success. He was unyielding in his adhesion to the Union of the United States. The same night after I left him, he was arrested for disloyalty to the Confederacy and kept for several days a prisoner in the camp of the Confederates.

In 1864, after I was released from prison by the Confederates, I was again in Winston County on my way through the lines. At this time I did not see Mr. Ingle but I saw several men of his company, a company raised to guard the mail across the mountain. I asked them what was the object of the company and they answered that Ingle got the company up to keep the boys out of the war and that they were in constant communication with the Yankees. A regiment of Federals having been raised in that section of the country, their scouts and recruiting officers were constantly in that neighborhood and were on the best of terms with Ingle and his company. The motives of the company were afterwards discovered and the company broken up and most of its members joined the Federal army or went through the lines to the Federal side.

I unhesitatingly say that I believe that Andrew J. Ingle was as loyal as Abraham Lincoln or anybody else. In answer to the inference taken by the Commission that Mr. Ingle must have taken the oath to support the Confederacy in order to hold the office of County Commissioner of Winston County, I would say that I was a member of the Alabama Legislature for the year 1861-2 and that I never took any oath or affirmation to support the Confederate States or Government. [signed] C.C. Sheets. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of March 1874, J.B. Howell, Commissioner of Claims.


Remarks: Mr. Ingle is 52 years of age, was a farmer and resident of Winston County, Alabama during the war. In 1864-5 he acted as a guard to the rebel mail that was carried from Tuscaloosa to Courtland, "acted in that capacity about three months and perhaps longer." He was elected in 1863 one of the County Commissioners of Winston County and acted in that capacity for about one year and a half. To do this he must have taken the oath of allegiance to the Confederacy. He was pardoned by the President. We are not satisfied that Mr. Ingle was a loyal adherent to the cause and the government of the United States during the war. The claim is rejected.
