Eva Shadix, Burned to Death
Submitted by: Robin Sterling
The Winston New Era, January 14, 1910
Little Eva Shadix Burned to Death. As everything was business and hustle about out little city last Monday morning, and the school rooms were being heated by red-hot stoves preparatory to a busy days’ work, a shriek of alarm and agony was heard in the district school building and it was discovered that a little scholar, Eva, the 6 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Shadix, who had gone to school early, had drawn up too close to the stove in the primary room and her clothing caught fire. Her teacher had not yet arrived, but her little schoolmates made frantic efforts to extinguish the flames, all to no avail. Prof. Snoddy, who was in the second story, was attracted by the screams and ran to save her, but her clothes had almost burned off her by this time. Mr. Hood Jackson, a citizen of our town, who was passing within some 150 yards of the building, rushed to her rescue and arrived a few seconds later, rolled the parched little form in his overcoat and extinguished the smouldering clothing.
The little girl was carried to her home, doctors summoned, and every attention that loving and skillful hands could give was administered, and she lived until 8 o’clock Wednesday night when her little soul took its flight to the paradise above.
She was a little over five years old, exceptionally bright for her age, a favorite of nearly everyone in town, and when the sad news flew over town it was like the gloom of twilight—it left sorrow wherever it touched, and expressions of sympathy for the bereaved ones were many and from the heart.
Bright, happy, cheerful, vivacious little Eva carried sunshine wherever she went. She had always a happy smile and a cheerful word for her friends both old and young, and she will be greatly missed.
Thus over a happy home the shadow of a little grave has fallen; and it is wonderful how long a shadow a little grave can throw!
This beautiful childhood life was so sweet, so precious, so fraught with blessings to her parents that she seemed like a flower of paradise permitted to bloom for a brief season by their side, then transplanted by the angels in God’s garden above, and now Heaven will have a new attraction for each member of this good family—for it is little Eva’s home.
She was laid to rest in the Fairview cemetery on Thursday evening, Rev. T.P. Sutherland conducting the services. The sweet little lifeless form, the tender words and solemn music touched every heart in the audience to tears. Loving hands laid the body to rest, while its soul and spirit are enjoying the bliss of an eternal life in a land that is fairer than day.
[Eva L. Shadix, daughter of W.D. and P.J. Shadix, 21 Mar 1904 – 12 Jan 1910, buried Fairview No. 1 Baptist Church Cemetery near Double Springs]