Good Bye, My Lover, Good Bye! [An Article Referring to Haleyville]
From the Winston Herald, January 19, 1923.
Last Tuesday night Esq. Oliver Hall, of Haleyville, made a short speech in the court house to a good sized crowd of our citizens against the proposition to the cut the town of Haleyville off into Marion County, which has been lately agitated. He did not talk long but made a very impassionate and eloquent speech showing up the advantages of having the town remain within our confines and of the disadvantages to be incurred should it be cut off.
His speech was well received judging from the applause which his message elicited.
Haleyville would make the mistake of her life should she dissolve partnership with the territory which has made her growth and great prosperity possible, the people upon whom she is depending for life and sustenance.
But we, being a lifelong democrat, believe that the people should be consulted; that the matter should be discussed freely and fairly, a plebescite or referendum held, and if a majority of the people involved in the movement should decide to quit old Winston, then we would be willing to sign a bill of devorcement, and let her go to her new found love with our blessings.