James M. Tingle
From the Cullman Tribune March 4, 1914
Submitted by Robin Sterling
Tax Collector Winston County Disappears. Tax Collector, James M. Tingle, has been found to be short in his accounts to the amount of about ten thousand dollars and has disappeared to parts unknown. The shortage has dated back three or four years and has been stayed off by partial settlement with the state and county. Mr. Tingle has thousands of friends all over the county who will be grieved as well as shocked to learn that his shortage is such that his bondsmen will have to be called upon to make the shortage good. He has a good bond, well secured, with some of our best citizens as securities. The county and state will lose nothing, not a penny, as all the shortage will be settled just as soon as the bondsmen decide on the amount actually due, so it is said.—Winston Herald.
From the Cullman Tribune March 26, 1914
M.L. Aaron, of Double Springs, has been appointed Tax Collector Winston County by Governor O’Neal to succeed J.M. Tingle who disappeared several weeks ago with his books out of balance.