James C. Hackett's Claim

Submitted by Robin Sterling

Southern Claims Commission File


James C. Hackett (18696) Disallowed

Items Claimed

Amount Claimed

Amount Allowed

Amount Disallowed

1 horse, 7 years old




30 bushels of corn




250 pounds bacon




400 pounds fodder




30 gallons molasses




15 pounds lard









To the Honorable Commissioners of Claims, Under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1871, Washington, D.C.:

The petition of James C. Hackett respectfully represents:

That he is a citizen of the United states, and resides at present at or near Littlesville, Winston County, Alabama and that he resided when the claim accrued at or near Littlesville, Winston County, Alabama.

That he has a claim against the United States for property taken for the use of the army of the United States for property taken for the use of the army of the United States during the late rebellion at (or near) Littlesville P.O., in the county of Winston, and State of Alabama.

That the said claim, stated by items, and excluding any and all items of damage, destruction, and loss, (and not use), of property; of unauthorized or unnecessary depredations by troops and other persons upon property, or of rent or compensation for the use or occupation of buildings, grounds, or other real estate, is as follows:

1 horse, 7 years old ($125); 30 bushels of corn ($60); 250 pounds bacon ($62.50); 400 pounds fodder ($8); 30 gallons molasses ($30); 15 pound lard ($3.75); total: $289.25

That the property in question was taken or furnished for the use of a portion of the army of the United states, known as Wilson’s Cavalry and commanded by Major General James H. Wilson and that the persons who took or received the property, or who authorized or directed it to be taken or furnished, were the following: Major General James H. Wilson.

That the property was removed to the camps of said cavalry and used for or by said cavalry on their ride south, all this on or about the 25th day of march in the year 1865.

That no voucher, receipt, or other writing were given for the property thus taken

That your petitioner verily believes that the property described was taken under the following circumstances, or one or more of such circumstances, viz:

1. For the actual use of the army, and not for the mere gratification of individual officers or soldiers already provided by the Government with such articles as were necessary or proper for them to have.

2. In consequence of the failure of the troops of the United States to receive from the Government in the customary manner, or to have in their possession at the time, the articles and supplies necessary for them, or which they were entitled to receive and have.

3. In consequence of some necessity for the articles taken, or similar articles; which necessity justified the officers or soldiers taking them.

4. For some purpose so necessary, useful, beneficial or justifiable as to warrant or require the Government to pay for it.

5. Under the order or authority of some officer, or other person connected with the army, whose rank, situation, duties, or other circumstances at the time authorized, empowered, or justified him in taking or receiving it, or ordering it to be taken or received.

That he was loyal at the time of the taking of said property and the original owner of said claim, and that no other person have any interest in a share of said property, the present owner of the same.

That your petitioner remained loyally adherent to the cause and the Government of the United States during the war, and was so loyal before and at the time of the taking of the property for which this claim is made, and he solemnly declares that, from the beginning of hostilities against the United states to the end thereof, his sympathies were constantly with the cause of the United States; that he never, of his own free will and accord, did anything, or offered, or sought, or attempted to do anything, by word or deed, to injure said cause or retard its success, and that he were at all times ready and willing, when called upon, or if called upon, to aid and assist the cause of the Union, or its supporters, so far as his means and power, and the circumstances of the case permitted.

That said claim has not before been presented to any branch of the government or department thereof.

That Messrs. Thomas C. Fullerton, of Washington, D.C., are hereby authorized and empowered to act as Attorneys for the prosecution of this claim.

Wherefore your petitioner prays for such action of your Honorable Commission in the premises as may be deemed just and proper. [signed] James C. Hackett, Witnesses: [signed] Perry D. Hyde and Oak? B. Hyde.

State of Alabama, County of Winston: James C. Hackett, being duly sworn deposes and says, that he is the petitioner named in the foregoing petition, and who signed the same; that the matters therein stated are true, of the deponent’s own knowledge, except as to those matters which are stated on information and belief, and as to those matters he believes them to be true; and deponent further says that he did not voluntarily serve in the Confederate army or navy, either as an officer, soldier, or sailor, or in any other capacity, at any time during the late rebellion; that he never voluntarily furnished any stores, supplies, or other material aid to said Confederate army or navy, or to the Confederate government, or to any officer, department or adherent of the same in support thereof, and that he never voluntarily accepted or exercised the functions of any office whatsoever under, or yielded voluntary support to, the said Confederate government. [signed] James C. Hackett, Witnesses: [signed] Perry D. Hyde and Oak? B. Hyde

Sworn and subscribed in my presence, the 2nd day of January 1873, [signed] A.B. Hays, J.P.

Names and residences of witnesses who will be relied upon to prove loyalty:

James A. Barton, of Larissa, Winston County, Alabama

Henry McNutt, of Littlesville, Winston County, Alabama

Names and residences of witnesses who will be relied upon to prove the other facts alleged in the foregoing petition:

James A. Barton, of Larissa, Winston County, Alabama

Henry McNutt, of Littlesville, Winston County, Alabama

Post office address of claimant: Littlesville, Winston County, Alabama

Post office address of attorney: Washington, D.C.

Note: No other documentation was found in the file.
