Coroners and Physicians (Pre-1900)
This list is not complete; thanks to Jane Benson for the start.
Bailey, J.W. M.D.
Bonds, W.H. M.D.
Bonds, W.R. M.D.
Borden, B.W. M.D.
Carroll, David M.D.
Clark, J.M. M.D.
Dennis, D. R. M.D.
Duvuse, Thomas P. M.D.
Ford, Daniel B. M.D.
Freeman, H.B. M.D.
Going ----?--- M.D.
Gravlee, W.D. M.D.
Gravlee, W.H. M.D.
Gravlee, W.J. M.D.
Gravlee, W.P. M.D.
Guin, I.A. M.D.
Guin, Isa A. M.D.
Humisley, Mary M.M.
Johnson, C.H. M.D.
Kike, J.D. M.D.
Marion, H. M.D.
Martin, A.P. M.D.
McCullar, James M.D.
Palmer, Alex S. M.D.
Poe, Mary M.M.
Roden, B.W. M.D.
Simmons, S.C. M.D.
Taylor, J.C. M.D.
Towers, Marvin M.D.
West, J.D. M.D.
Wilborn, T.P. M.D.