Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Winston County Genealogical Society met at the Double Springs Community Center.

I. Minutes:

    1. Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved. New minutes taken by Treva Hood.

II. Treasurer’s Report:

    1. Checking - $1,022.70
    2. No checks written
    3. $48.00 in deposits

III. Old Business:

    1. Dianne now has the non-profit papers and will see if Johnson and Hood will help us.
    2. We will not be able to get a senior aide at this time.
    3. The opening of the Archives was scheduled for Dec. 3rd but has been postponed until the county meets Handicap requirements for the building.
    4. Roger Hayes suggested we open only two or three days per week in the beginning. It was discussed and voted on to open Mondays and Tuesdays. There will also be a sign at the door for visits by appointment on the other days and contact numbers listed. The probate office will also have a copy of the contact numbers. This, of course, is subject to approval by the Probate Judge.

IV. New Business/Upcoming Events:

    1. Treva is to take several newspaper volumes to Wallace State on Wednesday for microfilming.
    2. It was decided to elect officers at our January meeting.
    3. It was decided to allow Dianne and Treva to find our December Christmas eating/meeting place. They will let everyone know as soon as they can.
    4. It was approved to put the Alabama Genealogical Society, Inc. on our newsletter mailing list.
    5. The USO show is Saturday night.

V. Program:

    1. None

VI. Attendance: 7

Meeting adjourned.