Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Winston County Genealogical Society met at the Winston County Archives in Double Springs. The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Dianne Miller.

I. Minutes:

    1. Minutes from the last meeting were read by Vice-President Dianne Miller. A motion was made to accept the minutes as read by Ronald. Pat Owsley seconded, and the motion was carried.

II. Treasurer’s Report:

    1. Checking – beginning balance of $2728.05
    2. Deposits since last meeting: $229.00
    3. Checks written since last meeting: $62.40 to Haleyville Library and $54.51 to P.J. Gossett for domain renewal (freestateofwinston.org).
    4. New balance as of August 19, 2013 is $2840.14

III. Old Business:

    1. The Free State Barn project is currently on hold. We need volunteers for manpower if anyone is interested. About two pieces of metal needs replacing. Further discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
    2. Ronald will contact Joan White Crittenden about obtaining copies of the older movies.
    3. Tom Turley at the state archives says we have a good chance of getting the grant for digitizing more marriage records.

IV. New Business:

    1. P.J. had previously asked Robin Sterling if he was going to do newspaper books on Marion County. Robin said he would be interested in doing this if the society would help monetarily. There will inevitably be mentions of Winston County in the books, and there is not much information on Marion County. Pat Owsley made a motion to purchase four reels of microfilm for Robin to transcribe. It was seconded by Dianne, and the motion carried.
    2. Most of Robin Sterling’s books are online now at Lulu.com along with Amazon.com which has discounts. Over the next few weeks, all will be online.
    3. Ronald has donated several books, including Pickett’s History of Alabama and a book on Thomas Simpson Woodward. Pat donated a Sacred Harp directory from 1989 to 1990.
    4. Glennis Posey and Betty Joan Elliott are new members.
    5. The Knight reunion will be August 25th at the West House at 12:30.

V. Program:

    1. None

  1. Attendance: 7

Meeting adjourned.