Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Winston County Genealogical Society met at Winston County Archives in Double Springs.

  1. Minutes:
    1. Minutes from the last meeting were read. Dianne Miller made motion to accept the minutes as read Carolyn Hunter seconded; the motion carried.

II. Treasurer’s Report:

    1. Checking $1625.14-62.40-75.00-250.00+133.00+72.00=$1,442.74
    2. See Attached Petty Cash Report

III. Old Business:

    1. Willis Farris bust $250.00 donated check today need to finish paying for base. September 26, 2014 from 10-11 am Old Houston dedication Luther Strange 27 September 2014 Carbon Hill Pisgah Cemetery.

IV. New Business:

    1. There is a new painting of the First Courthouse in Double Springs, the artist Lisa Brock is now doing one of the 1st Courthouse in Haleyville.
    2. There is three new books—no way out, Walker Family, Guterys from Elberton, Georgia.
    3. There will be a Tidwell Reunion September 6 @ Natural Bridge
    4. Dianne mentioned how hard we are working on the Pioneer Book. That this book will be completely about the early Winston pioneers and settlers, who came to the county prior to 1900. All of the information for this book came directly from the newspapers through1939.
    5. Taylor reunion September 27, the Archives building will be open.
    6. Tonight celebrated the 200th meeting of the Winston County Genealogical Society. The WCGS formed in January 19, 1998. We need more volunteers so that we can open more than 3 days a week. Thankful for the building the county provides for us to work in. Appreciate the support from everyone and hope everyone continues to support us. Wonderful newsletter have to thank PJ Gossett

V. Program:

A. Steve Turner talker about the Green B. West tombstone near Concord Church. Steve also spoke about Willis Farris and the memorial.

VI. Attendance:


Meeting adjourned.