Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Winston County Genealogical Society met at the Winston County Archives in Double Springs.

I. Minutes:

A. Minutes from the November and December meetings were read. Dianne made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Ronald seconded, and the motion carried.

II. Treasurer’s Report:

    1. Beginning Balance: $1,521.42
    2. Deposits: $375.00
    3. Checks: $697.01 – (Southern Historical Press for Georgia book: $40; Diane Parvin for Hyde book: $40; UPS Store for newsletter printing: $81.75; USPS for newsletter mailing: $63.07; USPS for annual post office box rent: $48; Treva Hood for 60 copies of volume 3 book: $424.19)
    4. Ending Balance: $1,199.41

III. Old Business:

    1. The Hyde book by Josephine Hyde King is in. The one for the Loose Land Lottery Papers in Georgia should be in soon.

IV. New Business:

    1. Winston Roots, Vol. 3 has been published. When the sixty copies were ordered, we received a 25% discount of $120.15. Our cost of the book is $8, and we are selling for $20.
    2. Membership dues are due.
    3. Several donations of book shelves, maps, chairs, and an Alabama Seal has been donated by Rick Harris. His generosity is appreciated.
    4. P.J. noticed that Lulu.com receives a small amount of profit for selling all the volumes of the Winston Roots series. For each book sold, Lulu receives less than $2.50 per book. The society still makes just under $10 for each book sold. After discussion, it was decided to keep them for sale online. Ronald made this motion, P.J. seconded, and the motion carried.
    5. A discussion on doing a mailing to other societies, both genealogical and historical, and archives in Alabama might be a good idea as an outreach and to let them know what our society is doing. A letter, membership form, and information on our book series will be included. Jerry made a motion, Dianne seconded, and the motion carried.
    6. An e-mail from Clyde Barnett was passed around. He is researching the Weaver and other lines and is interested in DNA research.
    7. A book on WWII veteran, Cornell Shadix, has been written by Tom Bartlett. Darryal will ask about getting Mr. Bartlett to speak at a future meeting.
    8. Former member, Debra Martin, passed away in December. Also, Cindy’s husband has had a tractor accident. The WCGS sends condolences to these families.
    9. For officer elections, the Board of Directors suggested Dianne Miller for President; Treva Hood for Vice-President; P.J. Gossett for Secretary; and Treva and Cindy Guthrie as Co-Treasurers. Treva suggested P.J. Gossett, Darryal Jackson, and Jerry Lovett as Board of Directors. The floor was opened for other nominations. None were received. After voting, the foregoing were elected officers for 2015.
    10. Darryal brought up that certain sections of our bylaws be amended to allow one officer to hold more than one elected position, due to the limited amount of people willing to take the positions. Darryal made a motion to remove article 4, section 7 and to split the secretary and treasurer position in article 4, section 8. Jerry seconded. After discussion, the bylaws will be revised in writing, available to be read and voted on during the February meeting.

V. Program:

    1. A transcribed speech by Christine Elliott at the 125th celebration at Bethel #2 Church in Delmar was read.

VI. Attendance:

    1. Members: 15

Meeting adjourned.