Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Winston County Genealogical Society met at the Winston County Archives in Double Springs.

I. Minutes:

A. Minutes from March meeting were read. Ronald made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Treva seconded, and the motion carried.

II. Treasurer’s Report:

    1. Beginning Balance: $1,743.68
    2. Deposits: $475.00
    3. Checks: $128.51: $69.02, USPS, Newsletter Mailing; $25.00, ADAH, Lawrence County Microfilm; $34.49, Lulu, West Winston Book
    4. Ending Balance: $2,090.17

III. Old Business:

    1. The West Winston Book by Robin Sterling was recently published.
    2. P.J. could not find out anything else about the WCHS 50th Anniversary "Book of Memory," but the current alumni banquet officers are looking into it.
    3. Dianne went to the Stephen McCollum dedication, made pictures, and reported a nice presentation.
    4. The Tucker reunion is the third Saturday in May. The SAR color guards will be there in period dress and do a presentation at Hopewell Cemetery in Glen Allen.

IV. New Business:

    1. A tour was suggested in the south central part of Winston County. Possible areas to visit are Kelly’s Mill, cattle dip, Godfrey area and Wyatt Cheatham land area, Poplar Springs School, Rocky Plains, and Spain’s Mill. After discussion, P.J. made a motion to do the tour this Sunday, April 26, Treva seconded, and the motion carried. We will meet at the archives in Double Springs at 2:00 in the afternoon.
    2. New books and quarterlies, including Lawrence County newsletters, have been donated.
    3. Dianne will be trying to find out ordering information for the Alabama Pioneers book.

V. Program:

    1. Wendy Hazle and Myra Borden were guests from the Lawrence County Archives and present a program about a whiskey related murder in a country church in 1937 in Lawrence County.

VI. Attendance: 13

Meeting adjourned.