Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Winston County Genealogical Society met at the Winston County Archives in Double Springs.

I. Minutes:

A. Minutes from the last meeting were read. Jerry made a motion and seconded, and the motion carried.

II. Treasurer’s Report:

    1. Beginning Balance: $2,191.03
    2. Deposits: $273.00
    3. Checks: $309.20: $49.20, USPS, newsletter mailing; $110.00, Robin Sterling, book sales; and $150.00, Daniel Crompton, Wilkes County, GA land books
    4. Ending Balance: $2,154.83

III. Old Business:

    1. Alabama Footprints Exploration book by Donna R. Causey has arrived.
    2. The Wilkes County, GA land records book set has been ordered.

IV. New Business:

    1. A new Alabama Pioneers book is available. Dianne made a motion to purchase, P.J. seconded, and the motion carried.
    2. Smith Lake and Alabama Power plat maps have been donated by Tim and Margaret Smith from Northport. These maps were created when Clear Creek Falls were backed up to create the lake in 1961.
    3. The Alabama Bicentennial Commission, along with the Alabama Department of Archives and History, sent us a survey. They are wanting to digitize back issues of Alabama genealogical and historical societies’ newsletters. These will be hosted online for free access. Issues were discussed concerning any lost revenue from the society participating. We can send in our back issues, except the previous two years, when we can send in an index only of these issues. After two years, we can then send in the older newsletters. After discussion, P.J. made a motion to send in our newsletters, Faye seconded, and the motion carried.
    4. We may have Butch Walker as the speaker at our next meeting.

V. Program:

    1. None

VI. Attendance: 5

Meeting adjourned.