Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Winston County Genealogical Society met at the Winston County Archives in Double Springs.

I. Minutes:

A. Minutes from the last meeting were read. Darryal made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Carolyn seconded, and the motion carried.

II. Treasurer’s Report:

    1. Beginning Balance: $2,259.83
    2. Deposits: $169.76
    3. Checks: $188.45: $73.75 to Butch Walker for books; $81.75 to UPS Store for newsletter printing; $32.95 to Alabama Heritage for 2 year subscription
    4. Ending Balance: $2,241.14

III. Petty Cash Report:

    1. Beginning: $88.56
    2. Copies: $45.75
    3. Robin Sterling: $25; Butch Walker fee: $30; Treva: $19.54 for Alabama Footprints books
    4. Balance: $59.77

IV. Old Business:

    1. Two new books from the series Alabama Footprints have been bought. One is on settlements, and one is on pioneers.
    2. The newsletters are out.

V. New Business:

    1. We received a revenue check from Lulu for our book sales in the amount of $85.76.
    2. Our Alabama Heritage subscription has been renewed for two years.
    3. Revolutionary soldiers books, along with First Families of Lawrence County by Donna Causey can be purchased on Kindle only. If enough people have interest, we can purchase these.
    4. A three volume set of History of Alabama and Her People by A.B. Moore has been donated to the archives by Treva’s cousin, Rita Bridges. Ronald made a motion to reciprocate and give her books. Dianne seconded, and the motion carried. Treva will contact Rita.
    5. Dianne contacted Peggy Norris to speak to us at our October meeting, and Carla Waldrep will speak at our November meeting.
    6. A cemetery tour is in the works. Everyone will be making lists of cemeteries to visit before our next meeting, when we will confirm a date and a route for sometime in November.

VI. Program:

    1. Darryal gave the program on the origins of people and how we arrived in Winston County.

VII. Attendance: 11

Meeting adjourned.