Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Winston County Genealogical Society met at the Winston County Archives in Double Springs.

I. Minutes:

A. Minutes from the last meeting were read. Treva made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jerry seconded, and the motion carried.

II. Treasurer’s Report:

    1. Beginning Balance: $2,241.14
    2. Deposits: $141.50
    3. Checks: $659.64 - $58.80, USPS, newsletter mailing; $62.40, heritage book for Rita Bridges; $105.00, Byars, dishonesty policy; $433.44, Treva, Lulu book order
    4. Ending Balance: $1,723.00

III. Old Business:

    1. Concerning our motion from the previous meeting concerning reciprocating books to Rita Bridges for her donation of History of Alabama and Her People, Treva sent three of our books to her.
    2. A route of Old Houston, Cantrell, and Enmondfield has been decided on for our cemetery tour. A date has been set for Saturday, October 24th at 9:00 A.M., meeting at the archives.
    3. Carla Waldrep will be the speaker at our November meeting.

IV. New Business:

    1. Our books are still selling. We recently ordered thirty more copies of book three and twenty of book two.
    2. Shelly Hess of the Northwest Alabamian has asked us to submit an article monthly on a history subject. The feature in the newspaper is called "From the Vault," and the first issue was September 30, 2015.
    3. Various newsletters and magazines of surrounding areas are in. A Lovett book was donated by John Taylor from Missouri, and a photo of possibly James K.P. Taylor and wife was donated also.
    4. Robin Sterling donated his latest book on Walker County newspapers, 1906-1909.

V. Program:

    1. Peggy Lovett Norris entertained us with autoharp and folk songs and a ghost story.

VI. Attendance: 13

Meeting adjourned.