Needmore History
By: J. Steve Hicks & David Cummings
According to a January 19, 1961 article appearing in the Haleyillve Advertiser by an unknown writer, the community of Needmore, located at the intersection of County Road 19 (Macedonia Road) and Alabama 195 east of Haleyville, got it’s unusual name from a prankster.
The article gives the origins of the name sometime in the 1940’s. The community had previously been called Cummingstown, named after Charlie Cummings whose original 34 acres of land made up most of what is now the Needmore community. Charlie Cummings supposedly purchased the land for $900 and resold it shortly after for around $16,000.
The name Needmore supposedly came when two youngsters put up a sign reading "This is Needmore," as in "We need more people, money, etc." and the name stuck to the present day.
The 1961 article listed the following people as living in Needmore at that time: The Jones Family, Cotton Cochran, George Knight, Lewis Hayes, Theo League, Arthur League, Austin Godsey, I.V. King, Clarence Holdbrooks, Y.C. Crumpton, two Hood families, L.C. Cummings, Will Berry, Ralph Berry, Jerry Perkins, Rudolph Perkins, Thurlo League, Voyd Watts, Oll Knight, Orbie Brock, Lindsey Crumpton, Willie Elliott, Ezra Waldrop, James Knight, Grady Lyle, I.W. Lowery, Charlie Lee, Hazel Cummings, Bert Holdbrooks, Dewey McKissack, Wince Crumpton, Hershel Cummings, Lizzie Hood, Tom Sutherland, Ottis Williams, Columbus McNutt, Mrs. Morgan, a Mize family, and Sonny Parsons.