Noah Reeve Letter (1/30/1864)
Submitted by: Kelly Abner
Encampment Near Dalton Ga.
Jan the 30th 1864
Dear companion
I embrace the present oportunity of droping you a fiew lines to inform you that I am only tolerable well at this time and I hope and pray god that these fiew lines may arive safe to hand and find you and the litle children and all the rest well and doing well I rote you a leter a fiew days ago but things has turned round so that we have enlisted for the war and by enlisting we git one furlow for ever ten men so we had to draw to see who would git the furlow so W.N. Pearson got one of the furlows so I thought that I would send you another leter by Wiley N. Pearson and I hope that the time will not bee long untill I am luckey enough to draw a furlow for I hav the saim chance with the others I rote to you in the other leter about
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starting home and the cavelry takeing me up and tuck me back to Dalton and put me under guard and kep me under guard a litle over two weeks and then turned me out that is all they done with me only it hindered me from giting a furlow under the orders at that time for all men that had been absent without leave could not git a furlow so by reinlisting I have one chance out of ten for a furlow and so on until all gits a furlow unless something hapens Dear companion I want you to try and send something to me in the way of eatibles for you dont know how bad I want something from hom that is fit to eat for pore beef and corn bread don’t set very well on my stomache so when W.N. Pearson gits thare and gives you this leter and tells you all about how I am giting along then I want you to try and git a two horse wagon and try to git some one to go down to mountervalley and take the thing that you can send me and if you cant do that try and git some one to go horseback with Wiley and take what they can- Dear companion I want you to do the very best you can under the circumstances Dear companion if you git the chance to send any thing I will tel you what I want you to send according to your chance, I want you to send me some butter and some eggs and some ham meat and some lard or midling meat and some saucige meat and some potatoes and some pease and some read peper and some sage and some onions and try and send me some of your cooking if you have the chance such as egg pies baked in a pan and chicking pie baked the saim way
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and some slice potato pies baked in a plate or pan and some potato custards They will all keep from thare hear in cold weather for I have seen some of our regment receive such things and I bought some of them for a good many of the men that they was sent too was killed or taken prisoner at the misionary ridge fight so they was put up to the highest bider and sold and I bought some of them and you ought to no that they was very good Dear companion I would like [if] you would send me some fresh pork if you can and I want you to send me two pair of socks and a pair or two of nit galises so no more only I want you to give my love and best respects to __ kiser and lady and old man Kelley and lady and all the rest of my friends and receive the saim to your self
yours truly
N.V. Reeve to F. C. Reeve and children