Noah Reeve Letter (4/24/1864)

Submitted by: Kelly Abner

Encamp near Dalton Ga Apr 24th 1864

Dear companion I embrace the present oportunity of riting you afiew lines to let you no that I am well as comon at this time hopeing that these fiew lines may arive safe to hand and find you and the children and all the rest of the family well and doing well I got to my command the 22nd of Apr about midnight Jake can tell you how we got along untill I parted with him Wednesday I went up to John Edwards that night and staid all night I went up to your mothers and got my super and staid with them a litle while and went back to edwards and left Thursday morning tolerable earley on my way to rome me and old Mr.(?) Alen got along finely and had very good luck we eat dinner and got our horse fed at McHardwicks free of charge we got in seventeen miles of rome that night we staid with a man by the naim of Bushel I belive he had family prayer that night and treated us very well and only charged us $4.oo dollars we went on and got to rome Friday about twelve oclock and the train left for Kingston(?) half past six(?) The hole trip cost me about twelve dollars. I got four ten dollars bills from John Edwards

turn over

I give him my due bill for $27.00 dollars and he said he would let me have more if I wanted it I got to see _emy and Billey and george and charley I did not have time to see Watson he was at home sick so I had very good luck and got through safe with my base(?) of provisions and found Wiley Pearson and A.D(?). Burns in a mess(?) together and I went in with them so we have a fine time Know the boys says that they have drawed bacon ever since I left and we still draw bacon and corn meal and sometimes molasses we git a nough of Bread know a litle more than we got when I left hear They still keep up prayers meeting hear in the regment and in the shanty(?) they say that they have had some very fine meetings and a good many conversions and some baptised A._(?). Burns has claimed the Masons I intend to send up my name as soon as they commence receiving aplications They cant receive any at the present time on account of so mutch business on hand so no more at present only give my love and best respects to all enquiring friends and receive the saim to your self

I pray god to bless you all pray for me

N.V. Reeve to F.C. Reeve and family
