Noah Reeve Letter (8/13/1864)
Submitted by: Kelly Abner
In Line of Batle near
Atlanta ga Aug, the 13th, 1864
Dear companion I embrace the present oportunity of Droping you a fiew lines to inform you that I am tolerable well at this time thank god for his goodness and mursies and kind preservation of my life through so many Dangers and dificulties and I humbley hope and pray god that these fiew lines may arive safe to you and find you and the sweet litle children and Jake and his family and all my friends all enjoying of the best of healthe and liveing under gods guidance and protection and blest with all his choisests blesings both spiritual and temporal I received that leter you sent by Josua(?) Teague which I was very proud to receive to hear from you all for the second time since I left home in Apr last and I sent one leter by him to you when he started back I am in hopes that you will git that leter for you stated in your leter that you had rote two leters to me since I was at home and had not received one from me I was truly sorry to hear that for I had rote some six or seven leters to you since I got back to my command and I will still continue to rite to you by the blessing of god hoping that you will git them I also rote one leter to Dekalb to all of them but have not got no answer as yet I saw Brother S.O. Reeve about the 19th or 20th of July he was well and had been well and had been to see Brother Ezekiel Reeve and flowers and staid a fiew days with them They was all well and doing well he said I also saw Bud Nix(?) The 30th of July he was well I saw T.F. Smith the 9th of August and he was well and said Jasper Waldrup was well I saw a good many of the Winston boys about the 4th of July I saw John Tomas and Dan York and Isack(?) Hopson(?) And Dick Manasco and capt Bibb They was all well Wm York has got back to the company so no more at present rite often W.N. Pearson is well tell his wife also tell her to rite pray for me give my love and best respects to all enquiring friends I remain yours truly
N.V. Reeve to F. C. Reeve and family